Severin Films presents ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK - The ultimate giallo shocker - now uncut in HD for the first time ever in America! — Even by extreme '70s standards, it remains among the more notorious -and disturbing - t... more »hrillers in genre history. Now experience, "One of the most entertaining gialli you'll ever see," (10k Bullets) like you've never seen it before. The luscious Edwige Fenech (STRIP NUDE FOR YOUR KILLER) gives the performance of her career as a woman tormented by visions of satanic violence, hallucinatory horror and psychosexual insanity. George Hilton (THE STRANGE VICE OF MRS. WARDH), Ivan Rassimov (EATEN ALIVE) and Susan Scott (EMANUELLE AND THE LAST CANNIBALS) co-star in this EuroShock masterpiece from director Sergio Martino (TORSO) and screenwriter Ernesto Gastaldi (DEATH WALKS ON HIGH HEELS) - with "Possibly one of the best horror scores of all time," (Scream Magazine) by Bruno Nicolai - now featuring a new 4k scan from the original negative and throbbing with exclusive Special Features!
They're Coming To Get You - Alternate US cut (88 mins.).
Color My Nightmare - Interview with Director Sergio Martino.
Last of The Mohicans - Interview with screenwriter Ernesto Gastaldi.
Giallo is the Color - Interviews with actor George Hilton and Italian horror expert Antonio Tentori.
Audio Commentary with Kat Ellinger, author of All the Colors of Sergio Martino.