G. P. Simon | Earth, Milky Way, Universe # 1 | 12/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is (also) a review of the REMIX VERSIONS. I won't go into the awesomeness of Cowboy Bebop other than to say that it is the best anime series ever, I'd even call it one of the best television shows ever!
While it has been universally noted on various postings about the remix versions that the sound is significantly better than the original sessions, there are multiple varying reviews on the PICTURE QUALITY. Some say there is no difference at all, some say it's a bit better, some say it's a lot better, all say they have "checked" both versions. Well, I took it a step further. I watched both versions side by side on an Avid Nitris Professional video editing system with high definition high resolution (HDHR) monitors and here is the DEFINITIVE ANSWER. There is a difference, they lightened it and did a very slight color correction. Basically, the old versions were a bit dark and some of the detail went unnoticed while the remix versions are lighter and there is more visible detail and color. In terms of viewing expeirience this means that a majority of the scenes look noticibly (if marginally) better. There are certain scenes, however, where the lightness works against it. Some of the more noirish scenes look a bit bleedy. Overall I would say that there is a difference in video quality and that the difference is mostly an improvement. But, even to the die hard fan the difference is negligible.
If you don't own the originals, if they're scratched, if you're a huge fan, if you have an awesome theatre system with good surround, or if you have a crappy small tv and can't see the detail in the image, GET THE REMIX. If not, while they are cool, they're not worth the $30 a pop."
It's the truth,
S. M. McGarry | Sector ZZ, Plural Z Alpha | 04/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now I know alot of people have written reviews absolutly praising this series, saying things like "incredible", "remarkable", and "best series ever". But there is a reason they say those things, it is good, very good. I could go on about the great stories, excellent writing, outstanding voice acting, and the soundtrack (which has become one of my favorite of all time), but I should really focus on this session. Session 6 contain four solid episodes. But the final pair, "The Real Folk Blues" part one and two, stand out as two of the finest in this already great series. First I should point out that before I saw this show, I had the firm belif that anime was for kids alone, and couldent really tell a "grown-up" story. And honestly, who could blame me. For every "Cowboy Bebop", "Jin-Roh", and "Ghost in the Shell", we have there's about a thousand "Yu-Gi-Oh!s", "Hello Kittys", and (shudder) "Pokemons". American TV is saturated with so many cheaply produced kiddy oriented "animes" that I coulden't really develope an opinion to the contrary, until a good friend of mine started showing me some of his collection of 'the good stuff' and changed my mind. It is not all for kids (honestly, I'd love to see them show "Neon Genesis Evangelion or "Excel Saga" on Fox Kids and see what happens.) and "The Real Folk Blues" should finalize that opnion for anyone who'se followed the series so far. "The Real Folk Blues" stands as one of the most violent episodes in the series (along with "Jupiter Jazz", "Pierre le Fou", and "Waltz for Venus") and brings to a close the story of Spike's self-imposed exile from his criminal past. As well as his ongoing search for Julia, the mysterious love he left behind. I don't want to ruin the ending for anyone so I won't go into detail. But I will say as much as this; the closing theme "Blue" by Yoko Kanno ends the episode (and the series) perfectly. Also, pay attenion to the lyrics as they apply to the final scene, they add so much to the emotional intensity of the end. To quote the final line of the series "bang!", bang indeed.
When i say "the best" i mean it
M. J. Kramer | Compton, CA USA | 06/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is incredible. period. The way its ends leaves you feeling, almost not satified.
Let me explain.
By the time you are at this point, hopefully you have seen the first 5 DVDs. Brain Scratch is awesome, but the last 3 episodes are what really gets you.
Hard luck women is when Ed and Faye leave. You get a sense that the series is coming to an end, and honestly, you can't wait to see the last two episodes but you can't help the fact that you'd wish the series would never end.
Real Folk Blues is rediculously good. The best. The best episodes of the series, but actually the worst because when it's over. it's over. The way it ends leave wanting more. It leaves you feeling sad, it just leaves you speechless. The music that couples with the ending is the best ending of anything iI've ever seen on TV. Only 1 video game can beat that ending as well.
This show is the best by far. It makes you want more. But at the same time, let's be honest. If they made more of Cowboy Bebop, would it really still have the same feeling?? We all loved it because of the first impression the show made.
But, all in all, ITS THE BEST EVER!!"