Not essential for most, but great material.
J. A Hayes | Montgomery, AL United States | 06/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This Best Sessions collection of Cowboy Bebop contains 6 episodes of the series, with remastered video and a new remixed soundtrack. Most people will not feel justified in buying this set when there really is nothing new besides the soundtrack quality. For me though, I want everything Bebop I can get my greedy hands on, so when I saw it for 12 bucks I grabbed it. Yes, I have these episodes already on DVD, but to hear these great episodes on surround takes it up a notch. I feel like Bebop fans that have a good system should get this. The sound is the only reason though, as there is nothing here we haven't seen before on the other Bebop releases. The episodes contained here are "arguably" the best sessions, but each of them are still great. In my opinion "Ballad of Fallen Angels" is the best session there is, and to hear the great music to it in a remixed soundtrack is amazing. But I will only recommend this collection to die-hard Bebop fans that are as obsessive as I am about watching these episodes in the best possible audio/visual quality. For those who pass on this release don't worry, you aren't missing anything new."
And the point of this would be?
Autumn May | MI United States | 04/09/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This selection is at my local video store, for people who want to sample some of the most popular Cowboy Bebop episodes. But when it comes to buying this, I can't imagine why someone would go to purchase only a fraction of the series when the entire thing is available (more than twice as many episodes) for around ten more dollars. (see: The Perfect Sessions Complete Series, but be careful buying a used copy because sellers have sent incomplete versions).The product itself is fine and the episodes are great, but it jumps around the series based on ratings and fails to show more than the highlights. It might very well be the best of the season, but it's only so good without the rest of the story."
Real Folk Blues
Gord Wilson | Bellingham, WA USA | 03/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you didn't/ couldn't/ can't watch all 26 episodes of Shinichiro Watanabe's amazing Cowboy Bebop on Cartoon Network, or afford the complete, out-of-print "perfect" set, here's the next best thing. It's six hand-picked episodes with Dolby sound for less than the DVD of the Cowboy Bebop movie.
The Best Sessions may not be the best, but they are the best introduction to the epic anime series for those who don't like anime, and whatever one thinks of the film, most of the elements that make the show so dazzling are missing from it. The Best Sessions is a bargain priced introduction to an incredible animation triumph, from the opening titles montage blending Jonny Quest and Peter Gunn to the enchanting closing with "The Real Folk Blues". Not to mention the strong story lines, careful, yet jaunty animation style, witty manga dialogues, and the most realized characters in Anime. The effect is as if a graphic novel had come to life, not taken itself too seriously (the bane of most GNs), and brought a first-person perspective to an entirely alien world. Mostly it's the experience of bounty hunter- drifter Spike, sometimes his (space)shipmate Jet, later acquaintance Valentine or computer wiz-kid Edward. Regardless, the effect is dazzling. Cartoon Network again scored with this one. Hard to believe it's from 1998. But for twenty bones, here's your chance to catch the buzz with the Best Sessions."