London. Midnight. Unable to find a taxi, model-agency booker Kate (Franka Potente) heads underground. Waiting for the last subway train, she dozes off?and awakens to find everyone else gone. Gripped by panic, Kate realizes... more » she?s locked in. But she is not alone. Lurking in the pitch-black maze is something unimaginable. Something that calls a deranged laboratory home. And something that?s determined to make this subterranean hell Kate?s last stop!« less
Decent British horror flick about a woman (Franka Potena of "Run Lola Run") who falls asleep in a London subway station and wakes up hours later to find she's trapped, as it's been locked up for the night. While trying to find her way back to the surface, she becomes prey for a crazed mutant killer that lives in the tunnels, carving up the local homeless population.
Some good gore in this one and though the story doesn't always make a lot of sense, it was still a pretty neat blend of "Mimic," "The Descent" and "Midnight Meat Train."
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Movie Reviews
Unique and Very Good. 73 out of 100
Wisconsin Dad | Wisconsin United States | 08/30/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Creep is the story of a German woman named Kate, played by Franka Potente, who falls asleep in a subway station and wakes up to find she is locked in with some sort of nearly inhuman killer. The action winds through lost, old and unused underground train tunnels, sewer tunnels, etc, which makes for a very unique setting and feel.
At first I thought the film might be boring because Kate, and only Kate was trapped. I was wrong. The film has plenty of other characters to keep it fresh, and the film never became boring.
The movie is very fun to watch and isn't, by any means, a typical horror film. You will remember the killer, and the setting. The setting is very immersive, and you find yourself sucked into the story very quickly.
The acting in Creep is very, very good. Vas Blackwood puts in a very good support role. There wasn't an over-actor to be found. The dialog didn't come off at any time as forced or phony, as happens quite often in horror films.
Overall, there really were no cliches to be found. Creep is fresh, and for fans of horror it is a must see. For those seeking a good, creepy, horror movie that is a cut above, Creep will satisfy because of its good action, pacing and story.
There are only a couple of times in the film where I scratched my head saying, could that really happen. These moments were few and far between, but annoying none the less.
Another nit pick I had with the film is that it could have been a bit more suspenseful at times. I didn't end the film and check all the doors in the house. Despite being a good film, Creep wasn't creepy enough for my blood.
The DVD packs a lot of interesting features which, unlike many DVDs, are fun to watch for fans of the movie.
Watch it, rent it, and you might even buy it. Creep is not a perfect film, but it is very good, very unique, and a film that many will remember.
Total Score (out of 100) = 73
40 (out of 50). Enjoyment. A rating based on my overall enjoyment of the film.
8 (out of 10). Acting. How good was the acting?
7 (out of 10). Immersion. Did the movie suck me into the story?
8 (out of 10). Intangibles. Special effects. Movie pace. Is the movie forgettable, or something you will talk about and remember for weeks? Years?
7 (out of 10). Must see. Is this movie worth seeing/renting?
3 (out of 10). Must buy. Is this movie a must buy/purchase?"
Benjamin Kidman | SanFrancisco,CA United States | 04/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I just saw this movie...I just rent it says what the hack and go for it, Never heard about this movie ...but WOW, Surprisingly solid and gritty slasher liked it a lot. Have a lots suspense and scary parts!. I think is one of the real good horrors went str8 to DVD. Just "franka potente" her acting was kind of silly and fake most the times they could find a lot better actress for this role. A bit turn off for me in that part that's why I gave 4 stars... But. Real picked up scary & gory most the times. I rented it! And later on I bought the DVD for my horror DVD collection..If you in horror/ slasher movies like that definitely don't miss it!!! Buy or rent it ! Worth to see... B+"
Quite nerve rattling
P. Skinner | Australia | 04/05/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD arrived yesterday from Amazon and I watched it last night on my living room wall up loud and in the dark. How eerie the London underground is and many scenes reminded me of the subway scenes in "American Werewolf in London" and some of the scenes from "They" and "Jacobs Ladder"......
This film is gruesome and not for the faint hearted with a few jump out of your seat moments..Soundtrack is disturbingly surreal as well."
And you thought the New York City subways were scary?!
C. Lockwood | Western, NY | 05/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Director Christopher Smith brings you a low budget british horror movie that in my opinion is underrated and in need of a very positive review. I have little understanding of why this particular film gets anything less than four stars. The director did an amazing job at hiding the fact that they were working with a very small amount of money. All of the acting was wonderful, lots of blood, the "Creep" was made tremendously scary, the music was eerie, they created a tense enough atmosphere that behind every wall there could be something hurendous lurking. This horror slasher is an intense on the edge of your seat thriller. Unlike alot of other slashers, this one is far from cheesy.
The main character Kate becomes stuck in a train station underneath the london bridge, only to find she is not alone. Caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse is a woman trying to escape from a hideous mutated villian.
In this movie you get every satisfaction that horror has to offer, except for you men, there are no naked women. I know that can be a little disappointing but it well makes up for it with everything else. You see a high heel get jammed into an eye, jars full of dead babies, a disgusting monster, lots of blood and many more chilling, terrifying scenes. This is on my top 40 favorites for many reasons, the number one being it is very scary, nothing in the movie let me down."
Derivative but stylish and enjoyable gore-fest
Cartimand | Hampshire, UK. | 02/22/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"** few mild spoilers **
Despite the mixed reviews below, I thoroughly enjoyed Creep.
Packed full of moments of black humour and cheeky hat-tips to Deathline (obviously!), American Werewolf in London and the Argento movies, it's a fun and blackly twisted 85 minutes, that bodes well for the future of director Christopher Smith.
The labyrinthine tunnels under London are a superbly evocative gothic setting for a horror flick and it is surprising that only Deathline had really used this venue before.
In places Creep verges on brilliance; most notably the jaw-droppingly inspired silent appearance of the Creep directly in front of Kate's terrified eyes, and the delightfully twisted extended "operation" scene. Creep does become rather routine and predictable at times, however. I mean WHY focus so blatantly on the serrated spike jutting from the wall so that when the next messy demise occurs, we are all expecting it?
But enough nitpicking! It's great to see another satisfying Brit movie of this genre. Apart from the very talented (and decorative!) Ms Potenta, some well-known Brit faces are found within, including Vas Blackwood (Lock Stock..., Mean Machine and various TV roles), Jeremy Sheffield (TV, The Wedding Date, Safe Haven, Anna Karenina) and TV legend Ken Campbell (Fawlty Towers!).
The soundtrack is excellent (The "Insects" sounding quite Tangerine Dreamy) and the film's 5.1 / DTS surround sound will more than satisfy you home-cinema techno-geeks, and adds much to the atmosphere.
Decent extras - director's commentary, interviews, making of etc.
Finally, despite the large warning on the back of the DVD box, there is virtually no strobe lighting. It certainly didn't bother me in the way that gratuitously overused strobes in some other recent movies has.
The Creep is well worth adding to anyone's horror collection."