johnny_belinda | Monarch Beach, CA USA | 10/29/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This video is a treasure for all of Cyn's fans. To see her with her friend goofing around at Coney Island circa 1994 is a delightful experience, especially since these episodes are intercut between her lovely videos. Her SHE'S SO UNUSUAL videos are her best. "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," "She-Bop," "Time After Time,"...these are stunning. From TRUE COLORS are the nonpareil videos "True Colors," and "What's Going On." However, "Money Changes Everything" and "Change of Heart" are most disappointing. My favorite song, "I Drove All Night," the sole video from A NIGHT TO REMEMBER (it may have been the only video she made from that album). An offbeat video that began Cyn's practice of directing her own videos, "I Drove All Night" is the perfect complement to Cyn's magnificent vocal stylings, and TWELVE DEADLY CYNS...AND THEN SOME (VHS) pays the ultimate tribute to a phenomenal artist. "Time After Time," Cyn has shown her "True Colors" and reminded us that "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." (And how she has.) "That's What I Think" of my favorite vocalist."
S. Quinto | Guatemala, Guatemala | 09/03/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well Cyndi will always be an 80's ICON, her wild days of a Punk are over, but her funny style and carefree approach of music make her a star and a personal favorite! GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN wow! the begining when she moves in light speed...funny funny....where r those Cyndi Parents? they're hilarious!...specially her father....only she could held a party with her friends and total male strangers in her own room!...the mid choreography is just so complicated!....TIME AFTER TIME...where is Cyndi's trailer?...liptalking the lines of the drama movie is just funny..the boyfriend dissapointment in her hairdue is crazy and funny how she runs!...and when she goes away well goodbyes isn't that the saddest thing! SHE BOP, the funiest of all....the cartoon, the final dance scene...Cyndi getting in the burger line and doin' that crazy face! ooops! that was so good! BURGER KLONE...they knew about it since 1984..hihihi what's r those old fellows doin' in hair rolls?....CHANGE OF HEART well fountains, Paris and the Bangles...TRUE COLORS...simple and real...most intimate vid...WHATS GOIN ON...another simple vid....I DROVE ALL NIGHT emotional and well done....THATS WHAT I THINK funky and with the band!...this video collection is a remembrance of an era that was pure fun...and Cyndi was at the top from some time...*****FIVE STARS"
Cyndi Shines!
Greg Allup | Torrance, California United States | 11/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For Cyndi fans this DVD comes as a real treat. Fans of this colorful artist know that there is really not a whole lot of material on video even less on DVD about CYndi and her music. This DVD is great because it shows all of Cyndi's videos for her most popular songs and it also features Cyndi talking live and you get to see a lot of her throughout the DVD. This is definitely a must have for the devoted Cyndi Lauper fan."
Finally there's Cyndi Lauper material on DVD
cyndifan | New Jersey, USA | 02/27/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"But sony could have done a better job. You get dvd quality image and sound but nothing more than that cause they didn't bother to do an awesome job :( The videos made up for that lack of care - From the fun girls just wanna have fun til Hey now Cyndi's talent and beauty makes you want to watch this over and over. They could have added unreleased videos like Hole in My Heart and Goonies 're Good enough parts 1 and 2... Let's hope they release Cyndi Lauper In Paris - She's so talented it's a shame we have to wait centuries for each Cyndi release!"