Currently Available DVDs (3) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (48)2019 - The Fly Collection (Blu-ray) 2017 - The Dead Zone 2016 - Rabid (Collector's Edition) 2016 - Existenz (DVD + Digital) 2015 - The Brood (Blu-ray) 2014 - Scanners (Blu-ray + DVD) 2014 - Scanners (Criterion Collection) 2014 - Crash 2013 - Cosmopolis (Blu-ray) 2012 - Midnight Movies Vol 6 Car Crash Double Feature (Cannonball/Fast Company) 2012 - Existenz / B Monkey / Malevolent (Blu-ray) 2010 - Videodrome (The Criterion Collection) 2009 - M Butterfly 2009 - Fast Company (Blu-ray) 2008 - The Gangster Collection (American Gangster/Casino/Eastern Promises) 2007 - The Fly (Blu-ray) 2007 - The Fly Collector Set (The Fly / The Fly II) 2006 - The Dead Zone (Special Collector's Edition) 2006 - The Stephen King Collection (Pet Sematary Special Collector's Edition / The Dead Zone Special Collector's Edition / Graveyard Shift / Silver Bullet) 2006 - Dead Zone The 2006 - The Fly / Planet of the Apes 2004 - Fast Company (2-Disc Limited Edition) 2003 - Naked Lunch - Criterion Collection 2003 - The Brood 2003 - Spider 2000 - Rabid 2000 - The Dead Zone 2000 - The Fly /The Fly 2 1999 - eXistenZ 1998 - Crash 1998 - Dead Ringers The Criterion Collection 1998 - Shivers 1998 - Videodrome 1998 - Dead Ringers 1998 - Dead Ringers Naked Lunch The Fly / Independence Day / The Omen (Award Winning Collection) Spider