Jake Cummings and his friends play an online computer game called the Pathway, leading them to confront real-life horrors and a dark secret of Jake's family's past. — Genre: Horror — Rating: R — Release Date: 6-JUN-2006 — Medi... more »a Type: DVD« less
A must see for Jensen Ackles Supernatural fans but not the best horror film.
Amy I. (aymee) from HENDERSON, NV Reviewed on 2/4/2013...
To my surprise, it wasn't as horrible as it could have been. And I've seen some really, really bad movies in my time.
The story line, while not fully developed, was a different take on what you normally see in today’s horror movies. The idea of evil moving into the 21st century and using an online video game to lure suckers into it’s web was both interesting and amusing.
Both cheesy and campy, Devour, is fast-paced and action-packed. There is very little down time from the moment the film begins, carrying you all the way to the end. The story is good, the acting is decent, Jensen is a doll, even when covered in blood… and although it could have been written a bit better (can’t they always? I read too much… therefore I expect too much from my movies), overall it was a pretty good movie. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who either a) loves low-budget horror movies, b) adores Jensen Ackles or c) both.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Joseph S. (hamsterdad) Reviewed on 10/30/2010...
a very well done lower budget horror film. Great plot idea which can be very rare for horror films especially since the 80's ended. A must watch for fans of medium to large gore horror films.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Devour is a Good One to Watch at 3 in the Morning
L. Lundberg | 12/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so the unfavorable reviews are somewhat true to life, but since I'd read the reviews before buying the movie, I knew I'd made the decision to buy a really campy movie for like 3 dollars that I'd probably end up watching over and over again at three in the morning.
I actually really enjoyed this movie. No, it doesn't take risks, but sometimes that's just fine. Having high expectations for b-list movies is a gamble anyway.
Ultimately, if you enjoy campy horror movies (guilty) or Jensen Ackles (again, guilty) you'll definitely take pleasure out of watching this movie.
I also want to add that the reason behind why I rated this movie so highly is because, whatwith my given expectations due to reviews and the context of the movie, I got exactly what I expected (and wanted)."
Tim Janson | Michigan | 07/20/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Another reviewer commented that this was the worst movie ever made...I can only assume he has NOT seen many movies as I could name about a hundred worse movies without breaking a sweat. That's not to say Devour is good, it's just not awful. Jensen Ackles (Of Smallville) is Jake, a young college guy who suffers from waking nightmares. He's haunted by something he saw or found in the woods in these nightmares. His buddies include a goof off pothead named Martin and a sexually agressive waitress named Dakota who may...or may not be Jake's Girlfriend.
They turn Jake onto an internet game called "The pathway". In a sort of Fear [...] way this game knows everything about its players and calls them on the phone and tells them to do things...or gives advice on taking control of thier lives. When Jake is fired from his job as a PC repair Tech, the place where he worked is promptly robbed the next day. The owner blames Jake but security cameras showed the owner and several other men pulling off the crime. It's never explained what really happened though but this is how the pathway helps it's players.
Jake's daytime nightmares get more violent as he sees himself murdering his father and mutilating his own body. When Martin is found dead, after shooting an enemy and mutilating himself just how Jake had dreamed he begins delving into just what the pathway is. It's as this point that a fairly decent thriller takes a turn for the worst and degnerates into some schlock about satanic rituals. It all ties together pretty poorly in the end. The performances are pretty good. These young actors are vets of numerous roles and they come off quite capable.
Not a bad direct to video film but it could have been so much better with a smarter script."
Not really Horror
Dark Kaiser | 02/28/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you love blood, guts, violence, blonde bimbos running around in an amusingly stupid fashion then this isn't the movie for you. Though classified as a horror, I suppose it would be fairer to call it a supernatural drama. As there aren't any really jumps but has some interesting characters (well i thought so anyway). Also, though the story isn't the most original and some characters come and go leaving you going what?! the acting isn't that bad. Especially, Jensen Ackles so fans of his should have no problem watching this and most probably will love it, though he doesn't crack any jokes like in Supernatural. Devour also tried to have one of those two points of views but after having watched the movie you'll see they put a lot more effort into one side. Okay, in summary not a bad movie and if you like characters which have some depth then you should enjoy this. If your looking for a horror movie or a bad horror movie with violence and random sex scenes look elsewhere like Crocodile or Frankenfish."
Think flick that requires 2nds
T. Wheeler | 12/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was extremely surprised by this movie because it covertly tells a lot of different stories on a lot of different levels, depending on your perspective. On first screening, I had a very low opinion, and would have switched discs had the acting not been so well done (especially after the entrance of Sossamon). However, the ending threw me so much (wondering "how did they DO that?!") that I had to play it again, and the second time around, it was actually riveting. If you like movies that make you think rather than take you for a ride, this one is definitely worth playing twice. If you like the ride? Well, you'll probably be disappointed."
Caught me off guard...
xx | xx | 05/11/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie follows a typical supernatural path that most horrors take. Its centers around the main charcter who is always seeing visions. However, none of the visions make any sense. It is about the internal struggle we all have with good and evil.The longer I watched this, the more confused I got. I DID enjoy watching due to its constant twists and good cast. I liked it for the fact that the movie gets darker and meaner as it goes. It has a pretty original plot and follows pretty well. 4 out of 5 stars because the ending wasn't on par with the rest of the movie."