An Alaskan oil worker is left to die in the Arctic wilderness after threatening to go public about unsafe drilling practices. Ultimately, he plots his revenge after being rescued by a tribe of Eskimos.
You want to like this but you can't since the movie just doesn't bring the Steven Seagal normal punch to it!
Movie Reviews
Absolutely Dreadful
Albert | Tokyo, Japan | 02/14/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The plot : environmentally sensitive macho-man versus evil oil tycoon looking to exploit the virgin wilderness of the nature loving Eskimos. It sounds like an A-Team episode. The dialouge is almost laughable - "you are the bear" the shaman says to Forest, the main character, "you have a destiny to fufill". Uggh, cliche city. The action sequences are sub-par and are made all the more boring because Forest is essentially a super-man, and from begining to end the supporting characters never waste an opportunity to tell us just how great he is. The movie is capped off with a sappy, anti-corporate speech (complete with canned images of smog-filled cities and oil-soaked seals). I watched this entire movie because I'm overseas and english-language entertainment is hard to come by. Otherwise I would have stopped watching it within 20 minutes, easy."
Trite, boring action movie
Albert | 08/03/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Save yourself a rental fee and pass up this movie. The martial arts are poor to non-existent, and the required bar fight scene is truly hilarious, especially when an overweight and out-of-shape Seagal leaps onto a table to fight one of the bad guys. It is a true miracle of modern carpentry that the small table doesn't collapse from Mr. Seagal's ponderous bodyweight. The "politics" behind this movie are simplistic, and hopelessly outdated, with oil company tycoons as the villains and the barely literate Seagal delivering a speech at the end of the movie that, once again, is unintentionally hilarious in its absurdity."
This had to done as a tax rightoff
John D. Page | usa | 06/26/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"not even michael caine could save this BLEEDING HEART(in more ways than one) about the raping of the alaskaen interior by an oil company is just so bad that you wonder how it ever got made. steven seagal walks through it in a half daze(he also directed)and kills more pepple than any accident by an oil company! the final "speach" is the only part of the movie that works(but only because it's so funny,not because it's good)! movies like this are what killed mr. seagals movie chances!!
Toxic waste: may cause prolonged laughter
Trevor Willsmer | London, England | 02/15/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"When people said On Deadly Ground ended with Steven Seagal giving a lecture about the environment, I thought they were talking metaphorically: I didn't realise that he actually got up on a podium and gave a slide presentation. The kind of film that gives ecology a bad name, Seagal's directorial debut may have had a similar premise to the aborted mid-90s Rambo 4 (lone hero takes on oil company despoiling the wilderness, in this case in Alaska) but is inept on a scale previously undreamt of, with heavy-handed mysticism and speachifying rubbing shoulders with staggeringly badly staged action scenes that bored even the whispering ones fans. Weirdest sight: Michael Caine's villain, not just content with polluting the environment even pollutes his comically dyed hair with oil and his over-made-up face with the most hideous display of the embalmer's art this side of the Bride of Wildenstein. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. And then some. But at least Basil Poledouris' score is pretty good."
Good movie
Oscar J. Chapa | 02/01/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I normally do enjoy many of Steven Seagal's films and this film is a pretty decent one. Some of his earlier films are far better, but this one had some decent fight scenes and good dialogue."