Ever met the perfect girl but she already had a boyfriend? Well why not just build your own? An amateur mad scientist attempts to build a robotic duplicate of his dream girl, and Marie is the result. As you can probably... more » guess, there are some unexpected complications. Stay tuned for mayhem and disaster!« less
Lori J. (viperess) from SHELBY, NC Reviewed on 10/15/2010...
My Dear Marie mixes comedy, drama & romance with some action to get a great mix. A young genius meets & falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Sadly, this girl doesn't even realize the boy exists. So, in true mad scientist fashion, he build a robot twin of his perfect girl called Marie. The only problem is Marie is so advanced that she has her own free will. With a host of question & a mind of her own, Marie causes her creator a whirlwind of unexpected complications.
Movie Reviews
Not Bad but Short
AstroNerdBoy | Denver, CO | 10/20/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"At only three episodes, this OAV series (based on the manga "Boku no Marii") is sadly incomplete. The premise is an old one with the nice nerd guy ending up with an android babe, this time one he created. Since Hiroshi is in love with Marie-san but can't work up the courage to ask her out on a date, he builds Marie who looks exactly like Marie-san, save for her hair color. Hiroshi explains Marie is his sister (and she helps by always addressing him as "oniichan" -- big brother) so the potentially sticky issue of Marie-san privacy being violated is avoided.
The first episode sets the stage, then has Marie win a bet so that Hiroshi can go on a date with Marie-san. The second episode deals with a gangster high school girl who suddenly falls for Hiroshi. The third and final episode deals with Marie being given dream software and experiencing dreams for the first time. It was a really well-done episode and the dreams were actually like dreams rather than another reality. Marie's desires and fears are explored as she dreams and it was quite enjoyable.
As I stated, the problem is that the series is incomplete. There is no resolution to any of the threads laid out. I would have enjoyed seeing Hiroshi deal with his love for Marie-san, while dealing with Hibiki's love AND the potential romantic love of Marie as well. I guess I'll have to score the original Japanese manga to get the full story.
DVD-wise, again, I scold ADV for turning "-chan", "-kun", and "-san" into "Mister" or "Miss" in the subtitles. *sigh* Our honorifics aren't the same as theirs (similar, maybe) and since this IS a Japanese title which takes place in Japan, the honorifics should be left in. Otherwise, I detected no obvious translation errors, so they do get kudos there.
Bottom line: if you enjoy the android babe hooks up with nerdy nice guy genre, you should enjoy this as well, despite it being incomplete."
Fall in love with Reality...
Lee Barnes | 09/23/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video is a cute story (with an even cuter ending song) about an android that is created by a scientist that is tired of being alone.You see, he is in love with a girl in a tennis club he joined. But, he believes that this girl isn't interested in him, so he creates Marie, the android. To make things stranger, he creates this andriod in his love's image!My Dear Marie is a very funny story with eye-catching animation and very character-fitting voice actors. The box says it contains just partial nudity, but, contrarily, contains more than just partial. But don't let that get you down, it is mostly seen when our scientist is working on Marie.It is my understanding that there is also a dubbed version called Metal Angel Marie if you don't care for subs.As a final note, I say buy this anime. My Dear Marie is a good laugh, albeit a short one-- I, as well, wish there were more episodes."
"This is such a funny and touching series!Hiroshi is such an adorable nerd and his adventures with the girls he meets are amazing to view.I hope more of this series comes onto tape I really want to see more of it.This anime should be in every anime otaku's collection. Extremely funny, with charming plots and even touching moments.NOTE: There is brief nudity and a few adult situations but nothing too sick and degrading.Definately for people 15 and older"
A sweet series
Daitokuji31 | Black Glass | 10/04/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This series is one of my favorite anime series of all time. Unfortunately it is only three episodes long. The story is pretty basic: guy falls in love with a girl, guy builds an android copy of the girl he likes, android helps guy get girl. Although this plot line might seem quite banal,the story itself is executed perfectly. The main character Mari, it is spelled Marie for the benefit of English speakers, who although was built to help her creator win the affection of the woman of his dreams falls in love with him instead, but is willing to suppress he own desires in order to hlp her brother. Little does he know that his creation loves him the way she does, and that the girl he desires loves him also. The artwork in the series is quite unique: the character are thin and tall and quite attractive: Mari is gorgeous with her long pink hair and thin body. The first episode on the tape is your basic introductory to the world of boku no mari, the second episode introduces Hibiki Kenno a very powerful girl who has a crush on Mari's creator Karigari Hiroshi, it is the third episode that really stands out from the bunch alluding to philip k. dick's do androids dream of electric sheep. The final episode delves into what is the difference between machine and man if one thinks and feels. great series. mitekudasai (please watch it.)"