They need to call this " peter steel & death metal"
(2 out of 5 stars)
"first off peter gets way too much time for this dvd ( its about death metal!!!! not your job picking up trash in new york ) and they cut the live songs, suffocation plays the first half of a new song and then it cuts. THAT JUST SUCKS!!! but they do have cool interviews with some cool guys in death metal ( brutal truth, suffocation , death & mortician ) and some funny promo clips from deranged & brutal truth )
i just hope next time, they won't cut live songs
keep buying death metal from amazon!!!!!!!!!!!"
Could've been a whole lot better
Tom Z | USA | 07/11/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Death Metal: A Documentary is an in depth look into Death Metal featuring narration from the bands themselves. This is definitly a can't miss buy for any hardcore DM fan. That being said, everyone else will probably want to avoid this one. They tend to focus more on less talented acts such as Carnivore and Mortician while giving greats such as James Murphy(Death, Testament) George "Corpsegrinder" Fischer (Cannibal Corpse, Monstrosity)and Cronos(Venom) little 5 second clips or a minute or two to talk. The biggest problem I have with this is the insane amount of time they give Peter Steele. Yeah he was in a DM band way back in the day but they were never very good and the producers of this aren't fooling anyone with their attempt to make this somewhat accesible by including him. Only about 5 of his 40 minutes are spent talking about Carnivore anyway, the rest of the time he just b^tches about Roadrunner. I like Type O Negative but theres no way Pete Steele belongs in a movie about death metal. If they were going to include Pete Steele why not In Flames, Dark Tranquility or some of the other more expirimental DM acts as well, their way more DM than Pete Steele. Bands that get the biggest time slots are Pete Steele, Malignancy, Brutal Truth, Immolation, Mortician, and Amon Amarth. Bands that get about 1 minute clips are Venom, Cannibal Corpse,Suffocation, God Dethroned,and James Murphy. Includes video/concert clips from Brutal Truth, Haemorrage, Deranged, Carcass, Suffocation, and Amon Amarth."
Low budget and long-winded...
Bryan Schuessler | Chicago, IL USA | 09/16/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this dvd not expecting too much because it was cheap. I guess I got what I payed for. It was definitely filmed on little or no budget, but that was not my biggest gripe. It was the repeated comments on the genre. It really lacked focus and structure. If you love death metal, you may find it interesting but only if you enjoy listening to artists talk about the genre and not actually listening to it. This dvd could have done more to help itself if it included some more noteworthy clips from artists, some album cover artwork and some sort of history of the genre."