SOMETHING UNSPEAKABLE HAS COME HOME — In this shattering variation on "The Monkey's Paw," grief-stricken suburban parents (Academy Award® nominees John Marley of THE GODFATHER and Lynn Carlin of FACES) refuse to accept... more » the news that their son Andy (Richard Backus) has been killed in Vietnam. But when Andy returns home soon after, something may be horribly wrong: Andy is alive and well... or is he? Produced and directed by Bob Clark (BLACK CHRISTMAS) and written by Alan Ormsby (DERANGED), DEATHDREAM was one of the very first films to confront the domestic ravages of the Vietnam War. More than forty years later, it remains one of the most chilling horror films of all time.
DEATHDREAM was released under several different titles, including DEAD OF NIGHT, THE NIGHT WALK and THE NIGHT ANDY CAME HOME, and marked the grisly debut of gore effects legend Tom Savini (DAWN OF THE DEAD). Blue Underground is proud to present this acclaimed zombie shocker in a new 2K restoration from the 35mm negative in its most complete version ever, along with original and brand-new Extras exclusive to this release!
Special Features: Audio Commentary #1 with Co-Producer/Director Bob Clark Audio Commentary #2 with Writer/Make-Up Artist (Uncredited) Alan Ormsby A Recollection With Star Anya Liffey and Writer/Make-Up Artist Alan Ormsby Notes For A Homecoming Interview with Composer Carl Zittrer Flying Down To Brooksville Interview with Production Manager John Bud Cardos Tom Savini: The Early Years Deathdreaming Interview with Star Richard Backus Alternate Opening Titles Theatrical Trailer Still Galleries Alan Ormsby Student Film BONUS Collectable Booklet with new essay by critic Travis Crawford« less