Australian filmmaking at its best!
Ton | the Netherlands | 09/10/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Demons are everywhere. Not only among us, but in our dreams, in our heads and running our countries. At first sight "The Demons Among Us" can easily be enjoyed as a very well made and highly entertaining horror-movie. But there is much more to this work of art than meets the eye of the careless viewer. Under the surface of the very well written and well acted story there are layers of social and religious commentaries. But there is also the subtleties added to the movie, and adding to the viewing pleasure and amazement, by the editing. Incredible use has been made of the possibilities digital editing has to enhance the feel of the film - the editing is a very important player in the film, it almost tells the story and gives it a kind of depth you rarely see. The use of colors is highly imaginative and disturbing in the best possible way. The score is one I would love to hear seperately as well, it is hard to believe that a movie made for a non-Hollywood budget could have been treated with such an great score that is rich in ingenious percussion and ranges from Death Cube K kind of atmospheres to Krzysztof Penderecki-ish wonderment and is complemented by some superb rocktracks. All of this edited in the film with the same editing skill that misses not a single nanosecond.
This movie should be watched in the dark and with complete concentration to enjoy it completely, as many clues, commentaries and important images come and go in very short images or lines, and to allow all of this wonderment to be fully comprehended (which I doubt I have already - there is so much in it) is the biggest cinematic experience I have had in a very long time.
This is Australian filmmaking at its best, and it makes me wonder how it can be that people choose multi-million dollar emptyness in the megamultiplexes over this kind of true artistry.
The DVD comes with a selection of deleted scenes that are not yet totally finished in post-production, and here it becomes even more clear how much care has been taken to get every frame in the film exactly right. The 35 minute behind the scenes featurette is highly informative and detailed, and very entertaining as well. The included short "Sickie", of the same fimmakers it becomes obvious that the very original ways of directing and editing can also be used to create something morbidly and wonderfully funny.
This is one of those movies that prove wrong the rediculous myth that Troma is about bad taste. This is even better that Peter Jacksons early work.
Rounded up with a range of wonderful Tromatic extra's as well this is one DVD that no one even remotely interested in great filmmaking should miss!
Highly recommended.