Depth Charge
C. A. Luster | Burke, VA USA | 04/02/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Decent actioner that won't waste your time. This may be the B variety but Eric Roberts and Corbin Bersen do a good job of keeping your interest. When a prototype stealth sub is hijacked it falls to Bersen to get them off his ship. One by one he takes them out and sabotages their plans to nuke Washington DC. Well worth at least a rental, and maybe a buy if you go in for this kind of action. I enjoy this type movie as I think just because some movies have better budgets doesn't mean they are better movies. Good quality DVD with some replayability. If you enjoyed this catch Firestorm.
CA Luster"
Routine story, below-average special effects
The Movie Man | Maywood, New Jersey USA | 02/01/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Depth Charge" focuses on veteran naval Commander Krieg (Eric Roberts), who has commandeered his own submarine with the help of mercenaries. While demanding a ransom in exchange for sparing the lives of billions from a nuclear attack, Commander Kreig is unaware that saboteurs are bent on stopping him from carrying out his dangerous and destructive plan. On board are two of the submarine's original crew and they will do anything they can to stop the madman. A standoff begins fathoms below sea level, with the fate of the world at stake. There are elements here of "The Caine Mutiny" (Capt. Queeg, Commander Krieg) and "The Hunt for Red October," with lots of action and a fast pace. Special effects, however, are not convincing."