Love the Games... Good series, would like to see more.
Jason Roberts | Albany, Or. | 09/02/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
Cursed to live as both monster and man, Dante must spend his life fighting the demonic forces of darkness.
Brandishing his sword, Rebellion, and his always-loaded guns, Ebony and Ivory, Dante is more than happy to send the demons back to hell - especially when there's money to be made. The wildly popular video game is now a series, and this time, there's no sympathy for the devil.
Contains the entire 12 episode series in a thinpack box set.
Disc one contains the first nine missions:
01. Devil May Cry
02. Highway Star
03. Not Love
04. Rolling Thunder
05. In Private
06. Rock Queen
07. Wishes Come True
08. Once Upon A Time
09. Death Poker
While Disc two has the following missions, as well as several extra features:
10. The Last Promise
11. Showtime!
12. Stylish!
Devil May Cry is an anime adapted from a popular video game franchise that only augments its appeal with hard core edgy action, power house horror shoot'em ups and lethal women adding to the fan service and attraction of the animated series.
The story centers on Dante. He looks like a cross between a bounty hunter from a post apocalyptic film and a rock star. He's cool but also lazy, has a penchant for strawberry sundaes and spends what money comes his way on liquor and sweets. He may not seem in personality like a hard core killer of demons, but when the devils show up, he's all action with flippant one-liners and an irreverent attitude. He goes on one strange case after another that usually sees him by the end looking down a barrel of one of his big guns or whipping out his wicked sword to mete out bloody comeuppance on the evil carnage mongers he's set upon.
He's not alone in his adventures. He gains a sidekick, a pretty girl named Paddy with little skills but a loyal heart, much more eye-catching is the sexy Lady with her leather-punk looks, motorcycle mama attitude, and really, really big guns (she pulls out a bazooka at one point), and hardly least, there's Trish. She's a woman all in leather from head to toe and some mean skills to rival Dante's half-human/half-demon abilities. She also looks exactly like someone from Dante's past...
Don't expect a big plot line in DMC. The anime is an adrenaline pumped action horror with lots of guns blazing, sword slashing, and big explosive action. Most of the episodes are one shots dealing with whatever new case Dante is hired for. A particular one dealing with a cruise ship and a casino night where you bet your soul stands out. The more tragic tale of a rock and roller and a sold soul hits the angst hard. And comedy plus action meet with explosive results when the two women in Dante's life, Lady and Trish, meet face to face and have it out in fantastic style. By the end of the series the show has an arc where demons with a grudge against Dante's father come looking to take it out on the son. Dante has his hands full, the hordes of hell are rampaging all over the city and his friends try to fight the zombie and demon legions while Dante takes on the big bad guys in a fight to the finish.
The animation is produced by MADHOUSE who has done some of the most respected and memorable anime movies like Ninja Scroll and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. Most recently they worked on Highlander the animated film. Here in Devil May Cry, you get that same edgy feel and is near theatrical quality at times. The action is amazing to watch and has a wide range. There are gun fights, bazooka fights, explosions, bombs, car chases, sword duels, hellacious magic, possession, devils on earth and the undead. Rock and roll meets the macabre. The women are femme fatales pin ups to the nth degree. The music is also all go with opening songs and scores that sound like Metallica meshed with Trans Siberian Orchestra. It's wicked cool all the way through.
Bonus features include FUNimation trailers, reverse cover art, and clean opening and closing animation, special interview with Toshiyuki Morikawa (Dante), seven cut scenes from Devil May Cry video game, E3 2007 preview, Tokyo Game Show 2006 preview, short and long trailers, Devil May Cry 4 Final 2007 Footage, and Devil May Cry 4 First 2008 Footage.
Devil May Cry the animation is a fast paced, action loaded horror shoot `em up roller coaster of visceral violence."
Great idea bad exection
Kyle J. Smith | 10/29/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I had big hopes for this show even after the first couple episodes, but it never did deliver and it just all fell flat on its face. none of the story ever really makes sense and barely even tries to explain itself. its all just a discombobulated crap fest, and should not be viewed by fans of anime, or the video games. spend your money on better series not this one."
Not bad.
S. Morse | Misawa-shi, Aomori-ken, Japan | 11/14/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"You can tell right off the bat that this is a series based off of a video game. Most of the episodes are very mission-oriented with complete storylines. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The first few episodes drag on a bit since there is not much tying them together. As the series moves along though, some small subplots begin to emerge, and finally the last few episodes have an epic plot that are truly worthy of an anime.
The animation is quite good and so is the action. The characters are somewhat cliché, but not really in a bad way. They provide a bit of backstory, but definitely could have dug a bit deeper. There are a lot of holes and a lot of character development left unexplored. Not that surprising for a short series though."
How could they go so wrong?
Appria Negrete | sacramento, CA | 01/09/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"when i bought this i had way higher expectations... there was barley a plot, most of it made no sense.. it was like watching all filler episodes, you can tell they made this crap just to market the name and make money off it. it is not well thought out. i just wonder how can you go so wrong with this series? i watched the first episode in horror and with hope watched the rest, wasting hours of my life in the process.. do yourself a favor go get basilisk or something with more depth, story line and better fight scenes.. i wouldn't even waist 5 dollars on it"
Devil May Cry the Complete Series
Kimberly Huebner | A Lil' Itty Bitty Po-dunk Town in Kansas | 03/02/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. It made me laugh in several places and the action was pretty good. I would definitely suggest this one to anime fans who don't like long drawn out series."