BREATHTAKING politically incorrect comedy!
N. Jacobs | Fish Creek, Wi USA | 08/10/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, you can't watch this DVD if you are any sort of politically correct weird-o. Every stereotype, from the metal heads, the religious father, and the gender studies professor, is reinforced and ruthlessly beaten with brutal sarcasm.
So, if you could possibly be offended by this, DO NOT WATCH IT!!!
There, now if you can take things with a grain of salt, and you like extremely ruthless comedy, then Dirtbags is the movie for you! You get a group of college metalhead burn outs, each of them trying to acheive a specific goal in life (usually involving procuring sexual favors from women), and getting themselves involved in wacky situations from which there is usually no escape, just a further plunge into absolute degeneracy. I'm sure that there is some type of thesis in this for all you college kids out there...maybe that one can never achieve thier goals through dishonest means? Ah, I don't think so. There probably is no point, but it doesn't matter!
And you have to love the characters, who are all so colorful and odd that no fiction could ever fully create them. These are real images out of life...I have actually seen male gender studies professors and the Ogre-gym man types, so this is stranger than fiction.
As I have said, this film is politically incorrect. No, I take that back; it's ANTI-political correctness. It's great to see that someone has gone to the extreme and fully made fun of political correctness, exposing it for the absurdity to which it has been brought. If there is no other redeeming qualities of this movie in the eyes of the vast public, at least it's the social criticism that makes South Park looks as tame as Sesame Street.
The random, cheesy computer generated graphics (the skeleton during the pizza man's romp through campus, the bee flying into the soda can, the chick drowning over and over and over in the river) add a nice touch of B-movie quirk, and bear testament to the ingeniousness of homemade movies. I personally find these things great.
The scenes of random nudity are, in my humble opinion, more for sheer randomness than gratituous drooling on the part of the viewer. Why is there a scene of a naked lady for several minutes? Because it's random and so utterly stupid that it becomes rather funny.
I must, however, subract one star for two reasons: one, the fact that this DVD does not have chapter selections (you can only watch the film all the way through), and two, the sound. With the sound, there is always music playing, and sometimes this overpowers the dialogue (extremely annoying!), and due to the low budget, some of the dialogue is not expertly recorded, so it's low in the mix anyway.
The first time I watched this, I didn't really get it, but when I watched it a second time, I was cracking up hysterically. Throw in a cameo by Peter Steele of Type O Negative, a fantastic soundtrack including Immolation, Candlemass, and a smattering of various goofy songs, and you're in for a real treat!
...That is, if you're not afraid to NOT take this seriously."