Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 11/30/2018...
Everything is quite new this season. New Doctor, new companions, new producer, new writers, new composer. A complete overhaul. Things have gone back to simple storytelling and stand alone episodes, with virtually no reverence for the massive gene pool of the show's origins. And Doctor Who has had occasional stints with world conditions and politics in the past, usually neatly concealed in the plot. Now things are overtly stated out in the open like a pile of rotten fruit dumped out of a bag on the floor. I'd really hoped that Chris Chibnall, the new producer, would have followed something akin to the massive story arcs in his flag ship series Broadchurch. He also wrote some stellar episodes for Torchwood along the way. No big baddies to be had yet (and I'm writing this with 2 episodes left to the season.) Now the big baddies are just, well, people. Doctor Who has always be a welcome diversion from these things. Now it's turned 180 degrees.
The shots taken are more filmic in nature, which is cool. The special effects are first rate. Much variation in the incidental music, which tends to fit the episode it is geared for. The new composer also has a penchant for the electronics, which is something I've always thought the show needed. The new take on the theme tune is a sleek, slithering piece of digital genius. Wish it was a bit longer. The opening imagery on the other hand seems to resemble female reproductive organs complete with fallopian uterine appendages. No kidding, look closely. Perhaps they were aiming for a subliminal time vortex impression? Well, it's early days still, and I'm pretty sure everyone will find their feet here. I'm a life long fan and will certainly keep watching. I found it amusing that after the airing of the calumniatory "Kerblam!" Amazon leaked the next week's episode early.