Validation of the Sixth Doctor...
Mark Savary | Seattle, WA | 06/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Like many Whovians, I've always harbored a dislike for Colin Baker's portrayal of the Doctor. Abrasive, argumentative, and rude, it seemed as if this Doctor was a throwback to his original incarnation. While being crotchety seemed to fit the elderly William Hartnell and added to his charm as Doctor Who, in the younger Colin Baker the effect was rather off-putting.However, I have to say that in retrospect, the lad was actually pretty darned good. I've picked up a few of Colin's adventures on DVD, and have come away with a new appreciation of his take on the Doctor.The Second Doctor and Jaime visit a space station on behalf of the Time Lords. Some scientists have been tinkering with a time machine, and the Time Lords are concerned. However, the Sontarans attack and capture the Doctor and the prototype machine with the help of the station's director. They plot to use the Doctor's DNA to enable them to complete the time machine and travel in time. Enter the Sixth Doctor and Peri, who try to recapture the Second Doctor and save Time itself from the Sontaran warlords.The story is rather inventive in "The Two Doctors", although the Spanish locations are kind of a waste since the show could have been shot just as easily in the UK. The installment was somewhat disappointing in that the cannibalism angle was never fully explained or exploited, and the 45-minute episode length works against the best concepts of the show. There also seems to be a spot of meanness (so common to the Colin Baker era), as one of the minor characters gets murdered pointlessly. The Doctor himself steps way out of character and takes a life in a somewhat glib manner. Still, we have Patrick Troughton, and even in the padded parts, he makes the show a joy to watch. The villains are somewhat entertaining, as well, and the locations are pretty.As for extras, there are two segments of raw footage (one in the studio, one on location), that give the viewer an idea of how the show was put together. Another segment recounts the difficulties encountered in finding suitable locations not only for the story, but for those interested in the industry. There's also a nice retrospect of Robert Holmes' work on Doctor Who, which is a loving tribute to the late writer by his co-workers on the show.The best part of this set is the segment where a young Who fan gets his wish and becomes part of a new, mini-Who adventure with Colin Baker, the Sontarans, and Teagan aboard the TARDIS, complete with impressive floor effects. I love this segment for three reasons; first, it was very, very well-done work. Second, the kid proved to me that Colin's Doctor had fans, as evidenced by his costume, patterned after Colin's, and made "by his Nan." Third, and best of all for me, was Colin's Doctor talking smack to Teagan and pointing out what a mouthy, sour, pain in the neck she was. Teagan is the one companion that grated on my nerves to the nth degree, and one which I've always heartily despised, so full marks to whoever wrote the segment, and for Colin, apparently acting "from the heart."Oh, and if all of that were not enough, let's not forget Patrick Troughton's second Doctor (along with companion Jaime) making a triuphant return to the series. That alone is worth the price of admission.Overall, this is a surprisingly well-packed DVD for the Sixth Doctor, generally known as being the least-loved. If, like me, you never really cared for Colin Baker as the Doctor, you may want to try this one out. You just might change your mind."
The Cougar | Australia | 01/19/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I could probably write a novel about my tribute to "The Two Doctors" but I'll do my best to keep it short. My favourite two doctors from the classic series (and indeed, overall) are Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker. So it doesn't take a genius to work out that this story is my favourite all-time. Why? Simply of the fun that the story seems to have. It's as though everyone decided to take a holiday and make this story while they were doing so.
The result? A dark comedy would be best how I would describe "The Two Doctors." Robert Holmes's new creations, the Androgums, are best realised through him, as we hear about blood ties similar to Scottish clans like "Franzine Grig" or "Quarnzine Grig." Shockeye in particular, craving a human, and every time he manages to capture either Doc, Jamie or Peri, someone always interrupts him. You can't help but laugh out loud, reminds you of those stupid telemarketers who ring you just when you're about to have dinner.
The script is littered with one-liners, ones that just make you do a double take and laugh in surprise, from all sorts of characters, Oscar delivering some of the best, such as "My father slept in a steel helmet during the war," What, just the steel helmet? "Competent people, trained in the time of bandages," and when Doc 6, Jamie and Peri come out of the TARDIS and Oscar mistakes him for a policeman, "I can tell by your raiment that you belong to the plain-clothes branch" and the Doctor looks down at his outrageous clothing, along with Jamie and Peri, who aren't exactly in "plain clothes." Not to mention Doc 2 and Shockeye when Doc 2's been turned into an androgum and they discuss "shepherd's pie" which apparently is a cannibal dish!
Not to mention the TARDIS scenes, where Doc 2 and 6 abuse the machine in exactly the same way, The Doctor going through business cards "Christopher Columbus..." looks over at Peri, "He had a lot to answer for!"
The difference between this and the other two multi-doctor stories is whereas "The Three Doctors" and "The Five Doctors" merely rode on an anniversary celebration (and thus barely have a storyto hold it together), "The Two Doctors" actually does have a story to it, and actually balances out both that, and the two doctors turn up by coincidence. People have complained about that being a weak explanation for them showing up at the same time. Uh, hello? It may be weak, but it's far more realistic than Borusa taking all five doctors from their timeline and then giving him enemies to fight, to weaken their chances of them getting what he wants (but that's another review) As Doctor 6 says, "When you travel around time as much as I do, you're bound to run into yourself at some point"
And finally, the scene that everyone whinges and complains about (with such little reason to) Poor old Colin sounds so weary about it in the commentary, wonder what the count is on how many people have complained to him about it. I am of course talking about the Shockeye killing scene. I have no problem about it whatsoever. Come on, people, the Doctor was desparate. Shockeye chasing him with the strength "to snap you in half with one hand" What's the Doctor supposed to do. Just smile at him and say "That's okay, kill me anyway"? And considering the Second Doctor used a machine to kill a Cyberman in "The Invasion," The Fourth Doctor aged Sutekh to death, The Seventh Doctor manipulated Davros to wipe out an entire planet, the Tenth Doctor killed a Sycorax and on and on. I get the feeling people criticise Colin Baker's doctor simply for being Colin Baker's doctor. I would rather travel with the Sixth Doctor than the Ninth Doctor who let all the people down who were fighting to keep the Daleks at bay and then simply refused to use the Delta Wave because it "made him a killer"
Overall, I wish I could give it six or seven stars, but five will have to do. Watch it as a dark, snarky comedy and maybe you'll get new appreciation for it."
Peri:Should I get a Doctor? Doctor:Is that some kind of jok
Dark Star-The Other One | The Bus To Never Ever Land | 10/05/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Being a longtime Doctor Who fan, I've always thought Colin Baker had the misfortune of being a very good Doctor but in an era with sometimes somewhat weak scripts which began to go downhill in the '80's and hit rock bottom with the McCoy era. I've seen Colin in other shows both before and after his time as the Doctor and he's always been very good. The best example of the somewhat weak script idea is this story which also features maybe my favorite Doctor and Jamie. The Second Doctor and Jamie look much older (Patrick should've coloured his hair) and their timing in the first episode seems a bit off but it's wonderful to see them together again and the pace does pick up soon enough. This is quite a fun story although the Second Doctor doesn't really have much to do except lying or sitting around while the others try to save him. However, the Colin's Doctor, Peri and Jamie do a very good job of running with the story. I understand some don't like the Sixth Doctor because of violence and sarcasm!?!?!? The Doctor Who stories always had violence in them, the Doctor could always be sarcastic, and the Colin era doesn't seem any worse than the others. In fact, it's some of these retorts that make this era for me and Colin gives the Doctor a life of his own. While given the talent in this story, it seems that it should have been a tad better but the only major problem with this story is that it could've been a little shorter and does seem paded in places."
Feast A La Resistance!
Daniel Boudreault | Canada | 11/11/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"One nice quality about DVDs is one get to see the actors as people than characters which can help lighten one's perspective towards the character they played. I for one thought Colin Baker got a bad rap. The story itself was meant for New Orleans not Spain and the macrabe nature of the story fits New Orleans better than Spain. The aliens would be more recognized as a take on Zombies which is a wonderful concept of magnifying zombies as a new super race being a bad idea so a wonderful take on blind leadership. There are also some nice homages like the "Madeleine Cluster" which Madeleine was a character from Robert Holmes Second Doctor missing adventure "The Space Pirates" and the Spanish music a nice touch. The story would have been less offensive if the Zombie cannabalism was in the proper atmosphere but it sticks out as going too far as a form of gross out than homage to a culture where it was suppose to be shot so some of the bad taste comes from the homage being out of context. As to acting everyone is in top form and the acting is excellent. This story is better than it has been given credit for. Once one realizes why it seems in bad taste it becomes less offensive. It was also a nice bonus to see "A Fix With Sontarans" which although short was well done as were other bonus features but the ones on filming rushes are best left after watching the commentary which some not into filming sequences may want to give a pass on; best for those into that sort of thing. "The Two Doctors" is better than it is given credit for but the change in setting does make some of the story seem in bad taste and like all Zombie based ideas not for everyone's plate to feast apon. Bon appittete! Enjoy if you can."