5 star DVD set for 2 very passable Euro Crime films
Lunar Strain | United States | 11/04/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I am a Euro Crime nut. These Italian action/crime thrillers have been a hobby of mine for years and I have collected every offical Region 1 DVD release of these type of films from such steller companies as Anchor Bay, Blue Underground, and NoShame. I have a splendid time watching such notable Italian stars as Franco Nero, Maurizio Merli, and Tomas Milian in Cop and Villian roles.
Since I am a Euro crmie nut it comes to no suprise that I bought Double Game, one of the last Euro Crime films. It doesn't have the star power of Merli or Nero but it does star a notable Italian actor George Hilton (better known for his Giallo films) as a police inspector. Though I didnt' go into the film expecting something fantastic, I still came out disappointed. Teh first thing that got to me was that the film was boring to look at. A lot of Italian films can have weak plot but the directing is so stylish that they are never boring to look at. Not Double Game and director Carlo Ausino is perhapes the most boring, least visual Italian director I have ever seen. The acting is also poor and watching the film in it's original Italian language does not help. The action is also slow and almost non-existent compared to other films in the genre. As you can tell there is not much to recommend about this film.
As a bonus NoShame Entertainment has included it's rare 1980 sequel Tony: Another Double Game (that title is NoShame's rechristianed title as it has never been released under that name). There is only one negative of that film left in existence and the director has graciously allowed NoShame to include it in the same release as Double Game. The film shows signs of damage (that's why NoShame included it on the same release) but it is still very watchable. It's actually really cool watching a a film that almost disappeared off the earth due to disinigration. Still, however, it is not a very good film. I found it to be better than Double Game because the plot (that revovles around a kidnapping) to be stronger but still the lead actor (a real nobody that only acts in this directors films) is not that likeable, or a good actor for that.
Both films are very passable Euro Crime thrillers though it is cool to see the ultra rare Tony: Another Double Game. I don't regret buying the DVD set but I can only recommend these films to the most jadded Euro Crime film fans, like myself. I still makes me ponder why the genres weaker films are getting such excellent DVD releases where as the classic films of the genre (Violent Naples, Rome Armed to the Teeth, High Crime, Cynic Rat and the Fist) are still not officially released is beyond me.
NoShame gives these two passable Euro Crime films 5 star treatment on DVD. Beautiful animorphic transfer of the first film with an option to watch it dubbed or subtitled. There are plenty of interviews with the direactor and he even allowed NoShame to put his short films as bonuses. Tony: Another Double Game is only subtitled and the print contains damage, but again it just amazing to have one print still in existence. Even though the films arn't all that great, the DVD set sure is and it will make a nice addition to any Euro Crime fans collection."
Not Good
J. Grimsley | MD, USA | 07/21/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Double Game has a good idea of the cop who goes around at night shooting up the bad guys. This movie is just not good. The acting is bad in Italian or English. I fell asleep watching it, the pace is not quick. The other DVD is of the sequel, is a better plot but all the same actors from the first movie are in this one but in different roles. Low budget Italian crime films of the 70's. Some are good others aren't. A star for each movie."