Strictly for horror buffs with an appetite for gratuitous gore and bloodshed, Dr. Giggles is appropriately titled, since the title character (played by Larry Drake, best known as Benny from TV's L.A. Law) is a psychotic ki... more »ller who chuckles uncontrollably as he eviscerates his victims. Having escaped from a mental hospital, he returns to the town where he was raised to seek bloody revenge on those responsible for the death of his mad doctor father. His chosen payback method is a lot of unnecessary surgery. But then he takes pity on a teenaged girl who desperately needs a heart transplant. Of course, he's got plenty of involuntary donors! That should tell you enough to know if you'd actually want to watch this movie, which is actually worth a few laughs--or at least a few giggles--if you're into this kind of thing. Drake puts everything he's got into his performance, and you have to admire his effort in the service of a lost cause. --Jeff Shannon« less
"Larry Drake stars as the main villain in this great early 90's slasher flick he is an insane and constantly giggling and wisecracking mental patient who recently escaped from an asylum who thinks hes a doctor. He arrives at a nearby town and starts slaughtering some teens, even though the film had some cliches in it I still thought it was pretty cool there is one hilarious scene where he tells one of the cops to have a heart then he literary throws a heart at him, it was funny and gruesome at the same time. There was plenty of great death scenes in this film and the villain's one liners were highly amusing (even though a few were a bit lame). Drake is very well suited for this role cause he does look creepy theres also a morbid flashback where Dr. Giggles as a child cuts his way from his mom's corpse and the death scenes were very creative he uses alot of medical instruments so there is some nice gore scenes, this was definitely one of the best horror films of the early 90's and it was very entertaining in a cheesy sort of way. The film also has Holly Marie Combs as the young teenager who has a heart condition which makes things more difficult but she still manages to defend her self from this maniac as you'll see in the awesome finale which had a great setup, fun and bloody is the best way to describe this film enjoy!."
Ron | Jersey | 01/26/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a pure 80's/early 90's horror film. It's got a silly story, a wise cracking killer, and some very original killings. The son of a mad doctor who himself is in an insane asylum, Dr. Giggles escapes to cause havok to his old town. While certainly not a classic, this film is fun to watch. Don't pay a fortune for this one, it should eventually come back into print."
WORD! to the previous reviewer
MovieFAN | New Jersey | 11/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"You sellers are making it hard for Po' folks to afford a good movie...I collect hard to find horror movie on DVD and will pay a pretty penny but sheesh...almost $50+???....I'll wait till Ifind it in a bargain bin somewhere......
...other than that the movie is pretty ok."
Anton Ilinski | Moscow, Russia | 03/06/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I can't understand why so many people are surprised by the prices on Dr. Giggles here. It's important to realize those prices don't reflect the film's cultural value or its cult status. And it's all the same if a movie got Oscar, Golden Globe and whatnot. It's just that this edition is being OOP for a long time so the price goes for the rare release itself, no matter what the film is. Believe me, when Skinned Deep is out of production for a couple of years, it will cost exactly the same. If here, on Amazon, you look for such flicks as Fun, Parents, Phantasm or Puppet Master (different installments), you'll see they all cost a pretty penny, because it's just almost impossible to find them elsewhere. And all the sellers know the rule: collectors are crazy, they'd buy what they need for any sum of money.
So now for Dr. Giggles itself. I remember first watching it in 1993 and I was totally mesmerized - not by the film itself although I liked it a lot, but by Larry Drake who without any doubt stole the show here. First the music during opening credits was great and that was a good sign (it's always a good sign). The story itself wasn't new, and I'm sure given to any other director and other leading actor it'd become another mindless slasher to forget the next day. Oh, and we certainly shouldn't forget about the script, because Dr. Giggles is written fabulously. All that phrases put in the mouth of Larry Drake's character made this film an incredibly funny yet creepy experience. Me and my friends were quoting them endlessly. Just a couple of examples: 'If you think that's bad wait until you get my bill' or (pulling out a golf club) - 'Time to do what doctors do best' or (watching a boy playing video game) - 'Terminal' or (before performing a stomach lavage to a girl) - 'We got to start taking better care of ourselves. Remember: we are what we eat'. All those lines were just hilarious especially seeing what followed them. But of course it was not all just fun. Dr. Giggles contains one of the most grisly scenes I've seen - with a woman's dead body in the cellar (you know what I mean if you watched it). So even if we put it like a black comedy, it's one of the darkest I've ever seen.
Anyway this little gem became somewhat a cult film among horror buffs and Dr. Giggles is still one of the dearest VHS copies in my collection. I started to follow Larry Drake's career, but as I know he didn't have parts like this anymore and that's a shame because here he proved he can carry the weight of a movie on his shoulders. And for all the other fans I recommend to wait a while till they re-release the DVD. It will cost normally and be quite affordable."
Raul Franco III | TX | 05/30/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"i collect dvds and came across this one and was shocked to see that it was more than fifty dollars! it is not worth more than twenty and want to let customers know that before they spend a chunk out of there paycheck to purchase this Dvd. the movie itself is not to bad but in noway worth close to fifty dollars.i would wait till you find it in one of thoses 5.00 dollar bins which will happen soon. i am!"