Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken!
P. Bothenius Lohman | The Netherlands | 02/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What's on this DVD? Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure.The cover of this DVD is realy nice. FUNimation usually restrict themselfs to a simple screencapture, but this one had more work put into it. As always, it includes the splash with the 'Includes two versions...'. Let's open the DVD. Again, no insert. A little card with the chapters, would be nice. Oh well, you aren't buying it for that ofcourse, but it would still be nice. The DVD itself has the same picture as the cover.As we insert the DVD, the FBI warning comes op, followed by the FUNimation logo. The menu is simple, yet pretty. We see a picture of Tsuru-sennin (Kame-sennin's rival, and former trainer of Tenshinhan and Chouzu) looking at his giant Dragon Ball Radar. But -get this- FUNi actualy used the Japanese music in the menus! Nice. You can immeadiatly play the film, or first select a language, or scene. There's also extra's. Well, extra's...It's just some commercials for FUNimations other Dragon Ball products. Come on, this can be better. Let's play the film. I reccomend you select the original Japanese version, for it has the best acting, dialouge and music. The picture quality is great. And I do mean GREAT. For something this old, it cannot get better. Not one rainbow or flickering. Great job, FUNi. The Japanese audio is in MONO, so don't expect the best quality. Still, it's good enough, and after a while, you won't notice. The DUB audio is in Stereo.
Again, Steve "Daimao" Simmons translations of the Japanese versions are great. The only problem with the subtitles is that they sometimes move a bit fast, so be prepared to read fast. Pro's:-Great video quality
-Japanese version, with great translationCon's:-Extra'sVideo: 10/10
Audio: 8/10
Extra's: 1/10Final score(Not an average): 9/10. If you want to see Dragon Ball in all it's glory, get this."
Dragonball at it's best!
Kevin Artinian | Whittier CA | 05/30/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was the first feature film based on the original DB series that I watched, and it literally blew me away! Dragonball Z is always touted as being faster than Dragonball, yet this movie is more frenetic than any battle against Cell, Cooler, Frieza, Lord Slug, Majin Buu, or any other part of the DBZ story. Speaking of story, this story doesn't quite fit into the original DB storyline (since when is Chiaotzu the emperor? and since when is Master Shen and the Red Ribbon Army working for Chiaotzu? And for gosh sake, why is Emperor Pilaf working for the red Ribbon Army!?). Ah, but who cares? We get to see Goku and Krillin kick some serious butt here, plus appearances from almost every great villain in the series. It's a little too frenetic, but it's still a lot of fun. Plus, we get to see Tien and Chiaotzu's friendship unfold. But the best scene of all is when Bulma and Launch pose as nuns on a pilgrimage as they try to sneak into the palace to steal the dragonballs. If you have no idea who these characters are, I suggest you introduce yourself to Dragonball through one of the sagas, but preferably not through this or the other features. Same goes for my other DB/DBZ reviews, because I'm not going to summarize the entire series for you (check the Dragonball web site for that). Anyway, this is a great story for all you fans of Goku and his friends. Kamehameha!"
dbzjonesy | Amherst, MA United States | 03/29/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, not that I'm a huge fan of Funimation's dub of Dragonball or Dragonball Z, as far as the dubbing itself is concerned, this movie is pretty good. But, come on, you aren't buying this for the dub! You want the Japanese version with subtitles. Frankly, this is Funimation's best DVD to date, and although the sound quality is a bit weak, the quality of the movie more than makes up for it. So go buy it now!!!"
One one of the best Dragon Ball DVDs ever!
A teen Dragon Ball fan | Black Mountain, NC United States | 04/01/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD with some pretty high expentations, and I was totally satisifed! I would suggest sticking with the Jap. version with the english subtitles. The dud was all right but the voice actor for Goku is WAY diffrent then the one who is Goku on Cartoon Network, but the Jap. version makes up for it, that's why it got 5 stars from me.Though kinda short the viewers see just how close Tein and Chiaotzu's friendship really is. It really doesn't tie in with any story line for Dragon Ball but good never the less.
I would diffently recommend this if you're a Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z fan!"