"Highly recommend this 7 disc set. This saga set contains Episodes 239-260."
The Best of Dragon Ball Z Yet!
AkoRa | Klamath Falls, OR United States | 01/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ive watched a lot of Dragon Ball Z in my day, and the Buu saga is definetly the high point of the series. Fused in between the Babidi and Kid Buu saga's, Fusion is excellent in many categories. Seeing Gotenks greatest ability (The one that lets him equalize with Buu's power) is a real thrill, and watching Buu's constant transformations is fun as well.Even so, the Fusion saga has its errors (hence the four stars); I found the parts with Mr. Satan flat-out boring. There were also some stupid moments, such as a scene where Vegetto transforms into a candy. Youll see what I mean.Overall, the Fusion saga is definetly better than all the previous saga's, in terms of intensity and animation; Akira Toriyama's art style has also greatly improved since the Cell Games. The character's are more vibrant and well defined, and the animation was top notch for its time (Although its pale in comparison to todays anime). All in all, Fusion is merely preperation for the final and also best saga in all of DBZ: The Kid Buu saga."
Action packed.
AkoRa | 03/23/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great Box set. In this we can see Vegito the saiyan formed when Vegeta and Goku do fusion. You can also see Majin Buu transforms into super buu. But there is just 1 complaint from me. There is just too much action in it but if you like fighting in Dragonball z this is the box set you want. But i suggest if you are buying this set it would be better to buy the Kid buu set as well. I own both of them and the Kid buu set is magnificent."
Great Saga. Vegeto and Gotenks are seen for the first time.
Jer | Long Island, New York | 05/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This saga is great. We get to see Vegeto and gotenks fight for the first time. This saga starts off with Buu splitting into the people, they fight and the evil buu wins. The evil buu absorbs the good buu and he transforms. After that happens buu tracks down gotenks energy and goes to the watch tower. He wants to fight them or else all of the world will be destroyed. Piccolo decideds to have him fight gotenks in the hyperbolic time chamber so that if they lose piccolo can destroy the door and buu will be trapped and the world will be saved. They fight and Buu escapes. Now its up to gohan (who was unlocking his hidden power in the kai world) to save the day. gohan fights bravely but is absorbed. Gotenks is also absorbed. Goku who was also at the kai world is given the fusion earings and with luck he finds vegeta (who made a deal with King Yama). Goku finally talks vegeta into using the earings and they fuse into Vegeto. Vegeto kicks buus butt and buu is furious. After they fight for awhile buu absorbs Vegeto. This is a great saga. The fight scenes with gotenks and buu, and Vegeto and buu are great. This is a definate must have for all DBZ fans."
The Best Of Dbz!
C. Hrozencik | PLANET X | 06/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Fusion Box set ( Dragon Ball Z The 13 Season) Has the best epsoides of the series yet! With epsoides 239-260 we get to see Gotenks go SS3, Evil Buu and Super Buu, Ultimate Gohan after he is done with his traing, Goku and Vegeta beacome alive agian, and Vegitio V.S. Super Buu! The box set is vary expnssive but is defintitly worth it the best DVD in the set is probley Losing battle beacuse Gotenks goes SS3! The Secound is The Last Sayin beacuse we get to see Vegitio! And the 3rd Evil Buu beacuse we get to see Buus evil form. Defintiily a gift for Fans of DBZ also I reccomend The Majian Buu Box Set And The Kid Buu Box Set!"