The fourth Dragon Ball Z movie was released in 1991 under the title This Is the Super Saiya-jin, Son Goku. Goku and Krillin use their powers to deflect a giant asteroid from striking the Earth. But the asteroid is really t... more »he ship of the evil Lord Slug, who bullies Gohan and Bulma to get the Dragon Balls and obtain the eternal youth he desires. The newly regenerated Slug begins to "terrafreeze" Earth, killing inhabitants and transforming the planet into a gargantuan space vessel. During their inevitable duel, Goku learns that the now-gigantic Lord Slug is the last member of a race of "super Namek-jins." Goku eventually defeats him with some help from Gohan and Piccolo. For the U.S. release, Funimation has added an intrusive rock soundtrack--and five minutes of obnoxious commercials at the beginning of the tape. Unrated; suitable for ages 8 and up: Considerable cartoon violence, drug use. --Charles Solomon« less
"I don't understand this Super Sayian thing. I never saw any advertisements for there being any mention of Goku Turning Super Sayian. And as for someone who said the Namek turning into a giant was a stupid idea...maybe...but it did happen in Dragon Ball (before DBZ) near the end of the series when Piccolo fought Goku as Ma Junior. So its not like they just tossed that in there and hoped everyone liked it. It was something that people know Nameks can do, if they've seen DB or read the Dragon Ball Mangas. Some may not have known this since I don't think it happened at all in DBZ.I loved the idea of using the awesome heavy metal sound track in the back ground of the English cut. The way it was soft during the talking, then boomed when the action began, and I thought the fight scenes were pretty cool. Tree of might was my favorite until seeing Lord Slug. I think this movie was made pretty well. Great soundtrack, love the voice actors, the animation was better than in the earlier movies, the plot may not be origional, but at least it had a plot. Anyone who has seen the release of Angel Links, a really bad waste of money, would have to agree with me on that. I think this is a great movie for those who are DB, DBZ and DBGT fans. I agree that if you're not a DBZ fan you may not get into it, but hey, thats with any movie. If you're not a martial arts fan, why watch a Jackie Chan flick? If you don't like "chick Flicks" Why go see "Moulan Rouge"? This is just a matter of love/hate. You either have to love DBZ, or you won't like the movie. Thankfully, I LOVE DBZ!! And this movie ROCKS!!"
Seen the Japanese version on VHS and that was very good
Gavin | Murfreesboro, TN United States | 06/07/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have this movie on VHS, in Japanese. and I thought it was good, so it on DVD will probably be very good too. This takes place after Gokou had returned on Earth after the Freezer encounter on Namek. It deals with an evil Namek-jin who comes to earth, Planning to use earth as his new Planet Cruiser. Yes, a planet cruiser, they had figured out how to make the planets cruise around space. He was born on Namek, but sent away around the same time Piccolo did, except he landed on the Planet Slug. Thanks to being raised on that planet, he and the rest of his teams couldnt take the sunlight, because Slug was a dark planet. So they first had a machine that took away the sunlight, which would end up killing most all life on Earth and also used the Dragonballs to make him young again. But it also turns out that he's a Super Namek-jin, like Piccolo, a mutated one because he can grow taller than the buildings on earth. But Piccolo is able to find his weakness, because Piccolo has the same weakness..... but dont worry, I'm not going to spoil the ending for you all."
Well-drawn animation, and an easy-to-understand plot!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The fourth DBZ movie, Lord Slug was originally released in Japan under the title "Super Saiya-Jin Gokuu" but was changed into Lord Slug after being dubbed into English and released in the U.S.A. This movie is a bit shorter than the others, but it is still good. I love the first song, besides the theme, played on this movie, I was "playing the music" in my head 'cause it was so cool. It wasn't all that funny when Gohan and Higher Dragon annoyed Piccolo in the beginning, but it was a little. This movie practically gets right to the point, basically right after that scene the movie gets down to business. First we see a so-called "computer simulation" of a giant meteor destroying the planet, then some more kick ... music starts to play and it shows Goku and Krillin trying to deflect the asteroud with their Kamehameha beams fused together (I'm not telling what happens to the asteroid). Let's jump forward to after Goku starts fighting Lord Slug, now, Slug gets him enraged and Goku gets really strong, people say that he went Super Saiyan but actually Goku never goes Super Saiyan until DBZ movie 5 (which is Cooler's Revenge). Still, the way Goku charged like a bull straight at Lord Slug was really cool, but after that, then it wasn't cool again until Goku was back on his feet after a thorough ...-whoopin' from Slug and powers up a Kaio-Ken attack. Unlike the first three movies, Goku sounds like he does in the series. It's kind of disappointing to hear Goku raged up in the first three DBZ movies 'cause he kinda sounds like a girl. The Super Saiyan transformation was great (it's easier just to call it Super Saiyan, so let's do just that, 'kay?) and he looked cool with waving black hair, red shadowing (his hair, I mean) and his pupils cannot be seen. Some people say it looks stupid, but I think it looks fairly cool. All in all, this was a great DBZ movie and you should buy it right away.Oh yeah, that first song besides the theme that I was talking about, it is by Finger Eleven and it is called Drag You Down."
An average venture for DBZ
Ryk E. Spoor | Troy, NY USA | 10/14/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Noted mainly for the fearsome "Whistle of Doom" -- a happy, perky whistled tune that just happens to be in a pitch range that Namek-seijin simply cannot stand (imagine a thousand fingernails scraping down a blackboard) -- this is even for DBZ a pretty lightweight offering. After the Z-team deflects an asteroid from hitting the Earth, an alien craft filled with nasty but light-sensitive aliens lands on Earth and begins to cover it with dark clouds. They are led by an incredibly aged Namek who is still a very powerful warrior. When he sees a Dragon Ball, he recognizes it for what it is and has his people gather them and wishes himself back to full power.There are some decent fight sequences in this (Piccolo gets some very cool moments), but overall it's not all that great. The ending has a nice moment -- a sort of prequel of the later "fusion technique" shown in the Buu sequence -- but there are sufficient stupid or pedestrian moments which drop this back down to a so-so entertainment effort."
An excellent addition to the DBZ family!
Ryk E. Spoor | 04/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The 4th Dragon Ball Z film, "Lord Slug" was a great example of true DBZ. The music was great and went well with the movie. Also, as I usually mention, the animation is well-drawn, and this is the first English Dubbed DBZ film to have the cast from the series play the voices. Another thing, Goku is supposed to have gone Super Saiyan here but actually his hair just turned red and his pupils disappeared, that's it, but it was cool how Goku was trashin' Lord Slug. All in all, this is a DBZ film well worth seeing, so buy it now!"