Gohan Goes SSJ, need i say more.
Jer | Long Island, New York | 05/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Piccolo merges with kami so that he can fight this new power. Vegeta and Trunks training is complete by this time and head towards cell is defeat him. Now it is gohan and gokus turn. Vegeta finally gets to cell and shows him his new power. Cell gets beat up and asks vegeta if he can find 18 and become complete for a better fight. Vegeta agrees and trunks trys to stop him. While this is happening bulma creates a device to deactivate the androids. Krillin goes to find them and when he does he cant. Cell absorbs android 18 and becomes complete. Also, gohan becomes a SSJ. A great saga. Watching vegeta beat up cell is great. Watching Trunks fight cell is also great. Watching gohan become a SSJ is the best part of the saga."
Cell games
jordan mcdonagh | macclesfield, chesire United Kingdom | 03/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is one of the best sagas ever made when vegeta and future trunks accend it looks awesome i would recommed buy this saga if your a dbz fan"
Teri Brown | 03/23/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"this was one of the greatest sagas ever in the first dvd cell go's out looking for 18 and tien fight of cell awesome next goku shows up to save tien and the should be dead piccolo. then vegeta and trunks come out of the time chamber they have been training in so they go looking for cell and 18 cell and vegeta and trunks end up on the same island how conveinent vegeta kicks the crap out of cell then lets cell absorb 18 so he can have a challenge so cell becomes perfect then whips vegeta trunks tries to beat cell but he to fails cell announces the cell games and that is the saga"
Cell is complete
Ronnie Clay | Winnsboro, Louisiana | 11/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Cell sucks up all the androids into his body has transformed he is even stronger then ever. Tien tried to stop this from happing by using his power to stop Cell so Android 16 and 18 can run. Krillian was so stupid by stomping the machine that could of killed Android 18. Gohan turns super saiyan for the first time."