The BEST film from the three brothers!!
vidarbs_1 | 08/02/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dragons forever is the last film from the three brothers and also the best, I think."
Movie not available not right now, wtf. It's ok, you can ju
morgoth | omaha, NE | 06/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow, what an awesome movie. I have seen this like 4 times now and it just gets better every time. I am ALWAYS seeing something new. It is not like jackie's old school golden harvest films but has much more of a kinetic type of energy that just sucks you into the tv and you can't look away. So they don't go through a fight scene with like no cuts for 2 straight minutes but this movie is HARD HITTING. BEnny the Jet Urquedez vs jackie chan is one of the coolest thing ever put to the kung fu screen. he is caled Jet for a reason people. And if the jet that you are thinking of fought him, it would not work out very well for the little guy. Benny is actually more respected than Chuck Norris in the world Kickboxing Federation. BEnny went 200-0. Seriously, the guy never lost. If you wanna see Benny and Jackie Part one, check out "Wheels On Meals"(Seriously, that is the name of it). Add in a dream matchup like yuen biao vs. BIllY CHOW, and you have one of the best kung fu movies all time. AAnd did I mention that samo is in it. I didn't, ok, here is a few more. Philip Ko. Yuen Wah. Lo Lieh... And if you have ever seen legend of a fighter, this movie has sanaka it in(the japanese guy who kills himself after beardy beats him in a fight). IT HAS FREAKING EVRYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So of course this movie could haev been better, but not really too much by kung fu standards. The fu is easily the best it gets, and for a jackie film, I would rate this as his best new school type of kung fu movie performance. EASILY!!!!!