Dream Street is AWESOME!
Nicole | someplace nice in the US | 12/03/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't have the DVD yet, but I hope to be getting it for Christmas...anyway, my story:
My friend Aubrey and I are HUGE DS fans, and she has a DVD player, and her b-day is coming up, and her mom got it for her as an early b-day present. She came and got me, and we watched it immediately...I have only seen DS on shows and stuff, so the live concert was TOTALLY AWESOME! The guys have wonderful voices and great dance moves. It was sooooo much fun to watch! One of the *goodies* about the DVD is the special stuff, like the before and after the show movies...and to get across the point of how great this DVD is...we have lots of guy friends in our neighborhood, and they know we LOVE DS, but they really REALLY don't like them...anyway, one night we were hanging out with one of the guys (whose name I'll keep anoymous...lol)at Aubrey's house, and us being girls and all, turned on the DVD. At first, he really hated it, but in the end, he admitted that they were pretty good dancers! SCORE FOR DREAM STREET! LOL
anyway, I just wanted to say that the DVD totally rocks!"
Erika Sorocco | 01/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an awesome DVD, even though their voices are deeper. They also changed the lyrics of "They Don't Understand" a little bit. I am learning all the dance moves, and I already know the moves to "It Happens Every Time"(I watched the music video online 3,000 times at least) and "Sugar Rush" and "Hooked On You"(most of them anyway. Okay, just the chorus then). The solos don't really have very many moves, except "Hooked on You" and "Gotta Get the Girl". "Someone To Hold Me Tonight" just has everyone but Chris sitting on the edges of the stage, while Chris walks around, singing and giving roses to members of the audience. "Jennifer Goodbye" has the guys standing near the back of the stage in a line, rocking to the music, while Greg goes around the stage, singing and he keeps pulling girls up onstage and dancing with them and singing to them. "Dream On" has the guys all sitting on chairs while Frankie sings his heart out, sometimes leaning on the piano they brought onstage. One drawback- they do every song on their CD except Matter Of Time.
Basically: If you like the CD, if you like dancing, and if you like boys and boybands, get this DVD. You won't regret it. :)!!!!"
Second review : DS is very good indeed.
C. C. Khor | Oxford, UK | 08/09/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have always been a tough examiner, but for this case, I need to adjust my rating upwards. I would give it 4.75 / 5 (from a previous 3/5), and would also recommend it with enthusiasm to those who like catchy, youthful, and good music overall.
The [ behind the scenes footage] was extremely entertaining. The part where the lady said: 'No pokemon...etc'. followed by CT mimicking her and hand-gesturing was hilarious! I enjoyed watching them practising, particularly the part where the choreographer was telling them to get in line.........JM tried to go real close to her and tried to be cheeky. That was good.
All 5 of them moved well, rocked well, and improvised really well despite not being able to hit some high notes (pointed out before). Worth mentioning is the fact that JM tried his best to sing like he did on the CD...especially in his leading chorus in Sugar Rush, and IHET. It does not matter that he did not quite make it. What matters is that he (they) tried his best to entertain us and make us happy.
I also noticed a few funny traits among the five. GR looks like he soaks up the crowd, and relishes all the attention. MB is very sedate, does not talk much, and yet his rendition of Hooked on You was very close to the CD version (excellent).
In short, the guys on Dream Street deserves our encouragement ( maybe too late!!) and an inflated rating because they have the guts to go on stage and sing their hearts out, even though their voices have changed.
Buy rating reiterated.
John J. Saroka | 11/10/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hi! Dream Street is awesome! Now it's great that huge fans like me can see them perform every single day with this DVD! They're awesome and HOTT performers, and are my role models! They're the best! Oh yeah and all you Chris fans...sorry, he's MINE! :)"