Creation of the Humanoids: Following a catastrophic nuclear war, mankind creates a race of blue-skinned androids to assist in the reconstruction of civilization. Disparagingly referred to as "Clickers," the robots grow mor... more »e intelligent and human-like. To stop their evolution and to preserve their own rule, a fanatical group called The Order of Flesh and Blood is created. Are the robots really man's enemy or his last hope for survival? Featuring cinematography by Academy Award winner Hal Mohr, and makeup by famed artist Jack P. Pierce (Frankenstein, The Mummy), this philosophical science fiction drive-in classic was rumored to have been a favorite of pop artist Andy Warhol. War Between the Planets: When a series of natural disasters plague civilization, scientists learn that the culprit is a seemingly barren planet set on a collision course with Earth. A team of astronauts is sent to counter the impending Armageddon, but after landing on the wayward planet they discover that it has a bloodthirsty life of its own. Also known as Planet on the Prowl and Il Planeta Errante, this extremely stylish Italian sci-fi thriller directed by Antonio Margheriti (Castle of Blood, Cannibal Apocalypse) was the third film in the Gamma I Quadrilogy.« less
Worth getting just for "Creation of the Humanoids"
Geoffrey Kidd | Berkeley, CA USA | 11/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Let me get the technical details out of the way first. The transfer is superb, picture quality excellent, sound excellent and it's letterboxed so you get it in the original "drive-in" aspect ratio. The only technical detail in "Creation..." that's sub-par is they needed better proofreading for the subtitles. There are a few errata, and if, like me, you use the subtitles, that can make the brain itch.
"Creation" itself, however, remains eminently watchable and utterly undated. Yes, it's a low-budget "B" movie. But the sets are acceptable, and the acting and dialogue at least as good as any TV series of the early 60s. There wasn't a note anywhere in this that sounds out of place in the story. NOTHING in this film strained the cables on my suspension of disbelief.
But as science-fiction, this movie shines like a well-lit diamond for thoughtfulness of script, philosophical depths explored, and some very human and HUMANE moments. I've never been able to forget the line about "Irony, the funniest form of humor." since the first time I watched this film back in the sixties. When I found out later in the story just what Pax (a Clicker) meant by that comment and the joyous peal of laughter which accompanied it, I agreed with him, and laughed like hell.
And wait for a line that begins "Only the memory..." For that line alone, I would have bought this picture, because that line, perfectly delivered by Don Doolittle, contains the true humility that marks all real scientific endeavorers. It also raises philosophical questions that haunt me to this day.
I can't speak of "War Between the Planets". I found it unwatchable.
But I don't care. I've wanted a GOOD copy of "Creation of the Humanoids" in my collection even before I knew a collection was possible, and now I have it. Both my budget and my time are at a premium, but this incarnation of that picture is worth every penny I spent getting it, and every wonderful minute watching it. In my opinion, this is one of the five best science-fiction movies of all time."
Fun Retro Sci-Fi...UHF memories...
Bob Eggleton | Providence, RI United States | 05/31/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"CREATION OF THE HUMANOIDS is perhaps one of the most creative and low-budgeted films ever made. Despite it's B film title, zero budget, it has alot of good ideas in it that sound alot like Asimov's laws of robotics at one point. The film is light years ahead of it's time in predicting the dilemma of what happens when robots-created by Man-think on their own, have feelings and start to make decisions-contrary to Man. And how even a "fundamentalist" order of humans arises from this threat and what happens when they clash. There is no action to speak of, it all comes of like a play done on minimalist sets, but shot in blazing technicolor. The acting is surprisingly well done if slightly overdone in parts. I only ever saw this on a fuzzy UHF showing in the l970's, and never saw it again-or it's "twist" ending which comes out of the blue. The print is quite good-gets better as it goes along, the opening credits are a bit scratchy however. The second feature WAR BETWEEN THE PLANETS (AKA PLANETS AGAINST US) is the fourth in Antonio Margheriti's Italian space opera quartet(Previous entries were WAR OF THE PLANETS, WILD WILD PLANET and THE SNOW DEVILS) and has lots of Italian eye-candy gals and macho men in the same outfits seen in the last three films and all revolving, kind of around the Gamma One Space Station but this is one of the lackluster in action of that set of films,compared to say the really fun WILD WILD PLANET(Walter Manley, the producer on this, would later take his space station concept to Japan and make THE GREEN SLIME, in essentially the same universe, but now Space Station Gamma Three). The print on this one is from the theaterical release by Fanfare Films in 1971 that played at mostly drive-ins back in the day with what I remember was a huge ad campaign. That said, it's a fairly nice print and, the whole film is *narrated* by Norman Rose-a voice announcer who worked for NBC in the 1970's and did the introduction to DESTROY ALL MONSTERS(the AIP version) as well as Promise Butter ads.
Good fun viewing brings back a time when these things aired on TV with regular play."
Excellent transfer
Frank Henriquez | L.A. CA | 06/28/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'll second everything that :Bob Eggleton said, and add that the video quality on this DVD - particularly for "Creation of the Humanoids" is very good.
There are muddy DVD and VHS copies of this movie available elsewhere, but I believe that they are dubs of the 1985 Sun Cost VHS that had a bad edit glitch near the beginning.
This version is much cleaner and and sharper. It looks like a transfer from the original film. It still has the glitch, but it's almost imperceptible.
"Creation of the Humanoids" really is a rough gem - almost everything about it is poorly done - yet the movie WORKS. When it's done, the story sticks with you. It's great SF.
Antonio Margheriti's "War of the Planets" is fun to watch. The rest of the Quadrology is available on DVD as well; one or two appear on the "SciFi Classics Collection: 50 Movie Pack"
This DVD is a great addition to any GOOD Science Fiction movie collection."
For the TRUE Sci-Fi Fan
JC | New Jersey | 11/21/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD contains two obscure sci-fi titles of the early 60's, "Creation of the Humanoids" (1962) and "War Between the Planets" (1966). Ironically, the distributors have paired a lost gem in the true spirit and meaning of the science fiction genre against a worthless bore fest that can only attempt to look the part.
"Creation of the Humanoids" is an intimate tale of an earth with a dying human population. But humanoids have been developed as servants, and are now rivaling the humans in population as well as abilities, characteristics, and appearance.
This movie is not a thriller, not a staging ground for great battles, not a vehicle for superheroes. Its special effects are minimal (but do the job, in my opinion.) Rather, it is a shining example of what science fiction does best, and is truly meant to do: to explore our human condition by depicting man in extraordinary, other-worldly environments and circumstances.
The film explores the definition of life, the meaning of consciousness, prejudice, the essence of romance -- and all in a simple story with no wasted scenes or dialog. One cleverly constructed conversation between a human and a humanoid forces us to stop and think, just what is the scope of God's creation? And the humanoids manage to have more charm and wit, with their pupil-less eyes and gray-green skin, than their human counterparts -- an early achievement of this now familiar persona in sci-fi films.
No, it's not slick, but you'll watch it at least twice once the full plot has been revealed. A terrific little film, and a must-see.
"War Between the Planets" is an English-language Italian film (with a misleading English title) having no redeeming qualities. It takes itself too seriously, the characters are full of themselves, the dialog is contrived, and it is basically unwatchable.
But if you're a true sci-fi fan, don't miss "Creation of the Humanoids".
Humanoids has a point
Phil Smoot | 12/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Creation of the Humanoids is one of the worst directed smart films in history -- Even bad movie director Ed Wood could not be this bad. Yet, for all the incompetence (including much "off camera mic" sound work), the story is a smart and thoughtful one. It has been mentioned that Blade Runner is style over content (with a big budget) and Creation of the Humanoids is content without the competence to pull it off. Worth a look (and, more to the point, listen) to the very intelligent ideas presented, but you will not believe how badly it is executed. As for the second feature, War Between the Planets, you will likely want to give it a miss."