Who knew comedian Richard Lewis could act? There is no plot to speak of in this character study, which follows AA members who meet in a Times Square basement to bare their souls. The performances, however, are dazzling. A ... more »sparse plot follows Lewis through one dark, soul-searching night in which he questions his life, his choices, and his sobriety. The direction is minimal, but Faye Dunaway, Spalding Gray, Parker Posey, Amanda Plummer, Dianne Wiest, and Howard Rollins bring out the intense emotions and dark, bitter humor of Gary Lennon's play, Blackout. We could have used more time with all of them, however, as the only fully realized character is played by Lewis. --Rochelle O'Gorman« less
"I must've waited a few years before I rented "Drunks" after hearing how amazing the performances were and also, and this is years ago, before I sobered up, how I would identify with "practically everybody" in the film.
I know it's just a film and I know there are many ways for alcoholics and drug addicts to better their lives but certainly this film is as close to what I've experienced out there in the real world with myself and people I love who struggle daily with alcohol and drug abuse.
It's like an all-star game of addicts, each one sharing their tales with excruciatingly, honest and wonderful acting. Is it acting? Hard to tell sometimes. As far as Richard Lewis--the comedian and author who recently told with humor and ruthless candor his own bout with alcoholism, it was an extra hit of "fascination",re-watching the film, if that's appropriate word, to realize that he so powerfully portrayed the lead with only a few months of sobriety, (in his real life) under his belt--or so he wrote and said in interviews. There's not a weak link in this cast and once you see it--this film becomes a part of your life forever. Where's the sequel?"
Drunk with Brilliance
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Holy Misery! I'm not an alcoholic, but my God, I love great acting and this INDY is a mind-blower! I watched it with a few people who had seen it before and were trying to help some problem drinker learn about recovery. I don't know if it helped that person but it sure scared the hell out of of me to ever go down that dark road. The all-star cast comes through big-time with some of the best monologues I have ever seen on screen. Comedian Richard Lewis stars and he obviously made his name in stand-up but he is so frightening amazing and real in this film-- and so holds his own with all these famous actors that just to watch his character evolve is worth it. Once you see "Drunks" it stays with you for life. I'm almost afraid to say--"Here's a toast" to a great film."
A Film That Can Save Lives
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I missed this film when it came out but caught it on cable. It was one of the most excruciatingly honest film about addictions ever. I have seen most of the most famous ones and this one certainly belongs in their leauge. The cast is stellar and comedian Richard Lewis is shockingly electrifying in the lead. He is truly the star of this film. I read his memoir and know now that he was in his early sobriety when he shot this film which might explain how startling his performance is. I'm not an alcoholic but love great acting and this character-driven film is a home-run that undoubtedly has the potential to save lives if people with alcohol or drug abuse problems listen to the message. The whole cast is so amazing it's almost like you are eavesdropping on a movie rather than just watching it."
Not a typical AA meeting...
C. Crawford | 02/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"but a fantastic glimpse into the curse of alcoholism. Richard Lewis captured for me in this movie the agony of alcoholism more accurately than anyone in any other movies I've seen. For those that complain that this movie doesn't do justice to what a typical AA meeting is like, I agree... but I think they're missing the point.
And frankly, were the movie to depict a typical AA meeting accurately, most people would probably be too bored to sit through the entire film."
The most honest accurate account of what an alcoholic is.
Alan E Pope | San Diego, CA United States | 01/12/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am an alcoholic. I am in the process of beginning my recovery. This movie is so real that anyone who has ever had a problem with addiction can relate to it. It brought me to tears many times only because the stories were just like mine. The problems and fogginess of addiction, the irresponsibily and not even caring about life or loved ones...jobs, people, is true. Everything goes out the door when you are using. This movie accurately portrays what it is like to try to deal with an addiction. If you don't believe me then go to an AA meeting. When people talk about losing families, jobs, everything that matters in life...its real. This movie is a masterpiece of addiction and how it affects peoples lives everyday."