Easy Money (1983, Rated R, 95 Minutes): To inherit his mother-in-law's colossal fortune, a hard living, gambling addict must change his unhealthy ways before it gets the best of him. Throw Momma From the Train (1987, Rated... more » Pg-13, 88 Minutes): A bitter ex-husband. A put upon momma's boy. Both want their respective spouse and mother dead, but who will pull it off? Blame It On Rio (1984, Rated R, 100 Minutes): Two men vacation together with their teenage daughters only to be caught up in a love triangle. The Woman In Red (1984, Rated PG-13, 87 Minutes): On his way to work, Teddy spots Charlotte ? an incredibly beautiful Woman in Red. He really wants to meet her, but what would his wife say?« less
80s 10-Pack Valley Girl / Rachel Papers / The Sure Thing / Losin' It / The Last American Virgin / Class / Zapped! / Johnny Be Good / Making the Grade / Secret Admirer