Escaflowne rocks!
Minako-sama | uk | 07/26/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The first episode I saw of Escaflowne was episode 4 and my first impressions weren't too gr8 but my brother bought this DVD so I decieded to watch it anyway. After we watched the whole DVD I thought too myself "Hey this anime is pretty good after all" so it was this DVD got me into the Escaflowne series. Episode 5 is where Van finds out who his brother is, Episode 6 is when Hitomi meets Milerna and she believes that Allen and her are a couple until the next episode when we find out Milerna is getting married, but not to Allen. Hitomi thinks Allen is available until she is heartbroken from what she see's (it's sad that bit) and to make matters worse, Hitomi is sold off and Van rescues her but then Dilanduo appears, but Escaflowne changes into a dragon and flys them to safety. In episode 8 Hitomi wakes up from a strange dream and near the end of the episode, the angel in Hitomi's dream saves her from near death and so the DVD ends. My fave episode is probably 8 and I recommend this DVD to any1! Go buy it!"
A mystical adventure
Anthony A Schipilow | Newington, Ontario Canada | 03/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a fun series to watch.
You kind of feel sorry for Hitomi, your sucked into a mystical land where people fight in giant suits of armor called Guymelefs and there's constant fighting and people are dying and theres animal people to.It took me awhile to get this whole set. I would of prefered to get it as a box set, but still I really enjoyed this series.My favourie character is Dilandau he's one bad guy totaly vicious he mows through guys on the battle battlefield just to get to Van his main anemy the only one he cares about fighting.I really recomend this series for all to watch."
"A pain that is deeper than the shadows"
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 04/15/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the things I will probably mention in several of my reviews of this series is that it is really a 'series,' not just a string of episodes with a dramatic ending. Themes and characters are developed over time, story arcs weave together, and each episode builds on the previous. With the kind of production effort that has gone into Escaflowne, success is a forgone conclusion. Not just success, but the kind of richness that makes for greatness.When Van turns Escaflowne into a dragon and leads off Allen and Hitomi's pursuers it puts him face to face with his brother Folken, who failed the Fanelian test for kingship and fled to the Zaibach Empire. We discover that, as unappetizing as Folken's agenda is, it springs from honorable motives. This dichotomy between to forms of duty will haunt this series, providing as it does the seeds of redemption.Eventually the flurry of rescues and escapes leads everyone to Palas, the capital of Arturia. But, there is no peace there. The Asturian king is squirming in the grasp of Zaibach and quickly proves his own untrustworthiness. Hitomi discovers that Allen, whom she is falling in love with, has some kind of pre-existing relationship. While this is unclear, Hitomi's confusion over her feelings for a boy back on Earth, Allen and Van is completely apparent. Thus will fate, desire, and duty play repeatedly in these relationships.Art, animation and music continue to be top grade. I was struck in this DVD with the fine work done to bring Escaflowne to life, reminiscent of Evangelion, but a notch better. The kind of choreography used isn't just a delight to watch, it is expensive to use, underlying Kazuke Akane's commitment again. There is an interview with many of the lead voice stars that, amidst a lot of kidding around, reveals that Akane is not the only one who is determined to make something special of this series."