Amazing story!
kdraad | United States | 07/22/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Episode 18: This episode has it's ups and downs. The first part is rather boring cause they just talk. Dorenkirk eplains to Hitomi, Van, and Allen, how he came to be in Gaia. The second part is much more interesting. Dorenkirk's people begin to tear Escaflowne appart, but they don't know that Van is somehow conected to Escaflowne. As they try to pull off the 'heart' of Escaflowne, it's as if they were trying to do the same as Van. Only Hitomi can help save him. In that scene, you can reall see the conectio between the two, even Allen sees it.19: This episode will leave you at the edge of your seat the whole time! Folken and Dorenkirk alternate the future with a machine (forget what it's called) that affects the life of Hitomi and Allen. This will lead them to kiss and affect a dection Hitomi will make in the future. Yoko Kano's music really creates the atmosphire for this episode.20: Hitomi does a Tarot card read for Millerna about the wedding. They tell her Drayden isn't the one for her, Allen is. Hitomi loves Allen and tries to switch cards so Millerna will have a happy marriage. Zaibouk comes, and because of what she did, she causes more trouble.
There's are some scene in here that's well worth seeing. When Eria and Naria are sword fighting. The animation is very smooth. What's really interesting is how one of them wins. After that, they show a scene of them when they were young, remember their past. This is the most beautiful part of the whole DVD. The mood is set by the music and espcially they be tan lighting affect. Escaflowne is a wonderful anime. There's not many anime's that make you feel like your really there (as someone said before). This is the kind of anime that you really get into."