Complete 26-episode series: 1. "Fateful Confession," 2. "The Girl from the Mystic Moon," 3. "The Gallant Swordsman," 4. "The Diabolical Adonis," 5. "Seal of the Brothers," 6. "Capitol of Intrigue," 7. "Unexpected Partings,... more »" 8. "The Day the Angel Flew," 9. "Memories of a Feather," 10. "The Blue-Eyed Prince," 11. "Prophecy of Death," 12. "The Secret Door," 13. "Red Destiny," 14. "Dangerous Wounds," 15. "Lost Paradise," 16. "The Guided Ones," 17. "The Edge of the World," 18. "The Gravity of Destiny," 19. "Operation Golden Rule of Love," 20. "False Vows," 21. "Reaction of Fortune," 22. "The Black-Winged Angel," 23. "Storm Premonition," 24. "Fateful Decision," 25. "Zone of Absolute Fortune," 26. "Eternal Love."« less
Not the most original, but some of the best nonetheless
smyrgl | Aspen, CO United States | 05/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Do I really need to ring Escaflowne's praises for you? Most everyone who is into anime has already seen this series but for those of you who are not but may have seen and like movies like Princess Mononoke this is the series to pick up. It is by far the most accessible of any anime series I have seen and is perfect for a budding anime guru. In fact this is the very series I will show to my friends who have yet to see any anime they think is worth watching.Visually, Escaflowne is pretty remarkable for a TV series that shows obvious signs of extremely high production values. The story may not be the most intricate in the world of anime but it more than suffices. What is most impressive about Escaflowne is the characters. Van and Hitomi are some of my favorite characters ever and are both completely believable in their respective places; Hitomi as the fish out of water teenager and Van as the young kind thirsting for revenge. I also enjoyed many of the supporting characters such as Dilandu and Folken; even the bad guys were given a proper history and motivations rather than simple blind obedience to whatever evil scheme might be in style. In fact evil itself is somewhat grayed as no character is truly evil, only misguided doing what they believe is right and just. I would recommend Escaflowne to anyone and everyone; it is a series that can have appeal to the very young and old alike. Truly masterful work.Note that anyone who has seen this series on Fox Kids has been watching a kiddied down version of a show that wasn't really meant for children to begin with. Don't let that Escaflowne-lite ruin your opinion of the show."
An Anime For Otakus
J. L. Shipp | Richmond, Virginia United States | 09/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am doing a premature review of this product seeing that I have only watched episodes contained on discs 1-4 of this 8 disc set.
Escaflowne is a well-thought out story with excellent animation and character development. I love the music by fabu-musician Yoko Kanno too. Her use of strings really sets the mood for the dramatic moments.Escaflowne begins (to whet your appeitite for more) one fateful day when high school sprinter Hitomi Kanzaki experiences a disturbing vision of another world and discovers from her best friend that Amano (the track team star she has a crush on) is about to go abroad. On an impulse, she asks him the next day for her first kiss -- if, she can sprint 100 meters in thirteen seconds. But then, a young warrior prince and a dragon appears before Hitomi during the run ... that's when Hitomi's world gets turned upside down as she is transported to the warrior prince's homeworld of Gaia! This Limited Edition Boxed Set comes with a beautiful Black Escaflowne figurine and tons of special features.Dialogue is offered in both English and original Japanese with English Subtitles. This is an anime series not to be missed by an Otaku of any level of experience."
The DVD world of Escaflowne
eau | USA | 05/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Limited Edition is now Out-of-Print. It consists of the 8 volumes of the TV series in their own keepcases and original artwork covers, all within a flip-top collector's box. The Limited Edition comes with a black Escaflowne action figure in its own box.
The Perfect Collection is a newer edition released in late 2004 for a limited run. It contains both the TV series and the movie. It is a digipak consisting of the same 8 discs from the TV series plus the movie disc. There are no artwork covers from the individual DVDs. It's basically the 9 discs in plastic trays arranged in a book-like package with a slipcover to hold them together."
Reviews By FreaK
eau | 10/26/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Vision of Escaflowne. Yes, that is the name of the best anime series ever created. I've never been a big fan of shoujo anime, but I love this one. It has stuff for the girls (romance, cute-ness, big girly anime eyes) and stuff for the guys (action, horror, big giant robots). This show is for everyone, anyone, guys, girls, kids, adults. (PLOT - 10/10) The plot is great. It's romantic and it's about war. War on another planet, where Earth looks like a moon. War over a giant suit of armor called Escaflowne. Now THAT'S what I call a plot. Hehe.(MUSIC 7/10) Don't get me wrong; the music is great. The vocals by Maaya Sakamoto are simply GORGEOUS, and the backround music is beautiful and fits every part perfectly. The reason I gave it a 7 is because some of the music gets on my nerves (the chanting and stuff)(ANIMATION 9/10) The animation is great for a TV series. I noticed a couple glitches, but most of the animation is clear and cool! ^___^(DUB 8/10) The dub is ok. It's one of the better dubs I've seen out there, other than Bebop. There are a few mistakes, but nothing major. The subtitles are great. I didn't notice any spelling errors at all. (OVERALL 9/10) This is one of the best. I reccommend it to anyone. I'd rate it 12 and up because of violence, a confusing plot, and some butt-shots of a very ugly blue dude. Now, put your hand on the mouse. Good. Now move the mouse down to the 'buy' button. Good. Now click. GOOD."
Vision of Escaflowne
J. L. Shipp | 05/07/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"An astounding series brought to us by some of the top talents in anime, Escaflowne is in fact a story about the discovery of the lost city, Atlantis', secret and about the consequences of Isaac Newton's reactions to this discovery. On the somewhat atypical surface, however, Escaflowne is about a young Japanese girl's romantic involvements with the other main characters.A medieval setting allows for an all new and original interpretation on traditional mecha, as the behemoth battle armors, or "Guymelefs," are composed primarily of gears and use swords, as opposed the Gundam type servos and beams. Nevertheless, the animators found ample opportunity to include some flashy digital effects, stealth cloaking will impress you.Although I found Hitomi Kanzaki, our main character, difficult to relate to, Van Fanel and Allen Schezar, a descendant of Atlantis and a royal knight respectively, steal the show. Thier efforts against a powerful military regime known as Zaibach Empire, who seek not only control over the planet, but over the laws of casaulity (fate) itself, are truly a sight to behold. A seemless blend of science fiction and medieval fantasy produce some of the most memorable anime characters and scenes you'll ever set eyes on. A superb musical score and acceptable dubbing round out this awesome package.Unfairly labeled a "girl's cartoon" in some sects, Escaflowne is some of Japan's very best anime and is truly deserving of this fantastic box set edition (thanks bandai). Episodic anime just doesn't get any better than this!"