Not too bad for a direct to video movie.
bill and phil does not matter | Des Moines, IA | 11/17/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This flick centers around a PI just recently booted from the New Orleans police dept. who's trying to avoid being a sacrifice between rival satanic & voodoo cults in a small Louisiana town.
Jake LeClaire (Paul Zanone) has been hired by Ryan Mason (Mark Shady) to find his missing wife in said town. He meets up with a female satanic worshiper called Devon (Stephanie Beaton), who's a beautiful red-head. They fall in love at first & have a steamy sex scene together not on the bed, but standing up against a wall. All is normal until he looks down to see a demonic looking hand, which spooks him greatly, after being asked by Devon what's wrong, he says he's okay, & they resume the sex, but their relationship is strained a bit.
Detective Dirk Osbourne (Jon Emm) is the local big cop here & starts to provide some info to Jake about Mrs. Mason being killed by a satanic cult & given to Satan as a gift. He then gets more wary of Devon, finds out what is going on with their cult meetings, & also runs into a voodoo cult a few days later.
The ending is a bit weak, but still quite entertaining, Jake lets himself get captured by Devon but before she can sacrifice him, he breaks free, escapes the coven, gets his gun, & kills her, but not without being injured a bit.
The acting is good, as are the camerawork, & special effects. It's really quite well-done for a direct-to-video flick. The music is basic, but is pretty good, the plot varies from good to weak, esp. in the 2nd half of the movie. Though it's only 90 minutes long, it drags a bit in the 2nd half."
Where to begin?
Magpie | Canada | 12/03/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is a bad movie. I don't mean in a "so bad it's kinda funny" way, but in a "so bad I'd rather do almost anything than finish watching it". The acting, sets, cinematography, story, and special effects are non-existent--It looks like someone a bunch of cable TV station employees threw together during a particularly uninspired lunch hour.
Even one star is a generosity forced on me by Amazon. If they offered the option of none, I would have chosen that.And don't ask me how it ends--I honesty didn't make it that far."