Three complete CORE FUSION® programs! "Exhale?s Core Fusion will tone you from head to toe." --Prevention — "Firmer, higher backside in one month!" --Fitness A quarter of a million people have transformed their bodie... more »s at exhale, the exclusive mind/body spa. Now you can get these same results at home. Each program contains five focused segments of just 10 minutes each, for quick results that fit your busy lifestyle. BODY SCULPT A twist on traditional strength training, this total-body workout targets everything from the arms and shoulders to glutes, hips, thighs, and abs. PILATES PLUS Integrating your core with every move, this Pilates-based program is a quick and effective way to get a thin, sleek physique. THIGHS & GLUTES Lift your buns, tone your legs, and trim your waist--these exercises firm and tighten in all the right spots. Husband and wife team and Core Fusion creators Fred DeVito and Elisabeth Halfpapp have over 50 years of combined experience teaching Pilates, Lotte Berk Method, yoga, and dance--disciplines that comprise the Core Fusion workouts. They are founding team members of exhale, a leading mind/body spa with locations around the United States.« less