"Fast-track your way to a movie-star body." --Woman?s World — "Lose the jiggle without the gym." --Marie Claire A quarter of a million people have transformed their bodies at exhale, the exclusive mind/body spa. Now you c... more »an get these same results at home. Create chiseled arms and washboard abs with Core Fusion Pure Abs and Arms. Targeted to work your entire upper body, this program will put you on the fast track to a beautifully toned and defined physique. Using a resistance band, you?ll sculpt your shoulders and back, lose the tricep jiggle, and build core strength for a healthy, flexible spine. The program is separated into five segments of just 10 minutes each. Pick a few to fit your schedule, or use them together for a complete (and completely rewarding) workout. Plus, the bonus stretch strengthens those hard-to-reach but highly important back and spinal muscles. "Try the workout celebs are loving." --Shape« less
"CF Pure Abs & Arms comes with a resistance band, which is used a good bit throughout DVD. Fred & Elisabeth talk you through each segment. I enjoy this because it helps keep proper form & breath with the movements. I did my best to breakdown the ab segments, however, I may have missed a couple resets...you will know what I'm talking about if you are familiar with CF. During the abs they mention thoracic breathing, keeping the abdominal wall still - this adds a whole other level to abdominal work. The arm segments are fairly challenging - the arm exercises flow into the next, building the much loved muscle burn feeling! At the beginning of each segment, the usual warm up is done, lifting right arm/left leg.....
Core Fusion Pure abs & arms is seperated into five segments that are 10 minutes each.
The segments:
Upper Body Weights - Fred
Upper Body - Elisabeth
Abdominals - Fred
Abdominal Curl with Leg Variations - Fred
Upper Body, Back & Hip Stretches - Elisabeth
1. Upper Body Weights - You'll need weights & resistance band
Start with weights above head and pull down towards hips,
Hold weights shoulder high,extend arms out bring arms down to outer thighs - working deltoids
Alternating arm raises working Anterior Deltoid
Row weights up to chin, lift up & press overhead
Elbows shoulder high extend arms out to the side & curl working biceps
Bring arms front alternating arms hammer curl
Take weights up, bend elbows back for tricep extensions
Release one weight, hinge forward holding one weight behind back & lift hold
Stretching muscles used with band
2. Upper Body - Resistance band
Place band under feet, bend knees & roll shoulders
Hammer curls - alternating arms, then both arms
Turn palms toward thighs for deltoid row - alternating arms, then both arms
Fold forward at hips - arms extended lift up squeezing shoulder blades - rhomboids
Tricep Series - arms back & lift up, squeeze arms in pulse, bend & stretch arms - OUCH!
Step back, put band under front leg & bend leg slightly. Hold arms out palms down and pulse up. Next, twist to right, hands together in middle, twist to left - working from the hips. Switch legs and repeat.
3. Abdominals - resistance band & mat
C-curve holding resistance band. Keep shoulder blades off mat, let arms go - hold out. Reset.
Pump arms down similar to pilates 100
Twist working obliques - Hold position, small crunches, small curls, hold - reset & lift both arms & hold up if you can =)
Band around feet parallel hip width apart, round down one vertabrae at a time - release all the way back. Slowly roll up. Second set, stop where curl, then release down. Last two reps, stop at waist position. Lift legs up in V, pull hands together and small curls.
On stomach, counter pose to C-curve - hands down at sides, lift breast bone, arms & legs. Elbows up to ears, thumbs up lift chest & thighs. Lastly, bow stretch
4. Abdominal Curl with Leg Variations - Resistance band & yoga block/rolled up towel
With band around ball of left foot, extend left leg up(or bend)& right leg out. C-curve -Hold position (hands around leg) Slowly pull resistance band out to the side & reset. Pull band out again then do small curls. Hands higher and wider - hold position. Repeat on right.
Yoga block or towel - in between inner thighs, stabalize position of c curve - legs extended. Challenge by lifting arms up. Small curls. Hands behind shoulder blades - if you can =)
Get back in position with legs up - twist to left side, hold position. Hands up if possible, reset. Back in position & do small curls. Reset, back into position & raise arms. Repeat on right side.
Towel between ankles then get back into position. Jack knife - arms lifting while legs going down & back up. Reset, then place hands behind shoulder blades.
The Upper Body, Back & Hip Stretches are exactly that =)There are some excellent hip stretches in this segment. I love any sort of stretching at the end of working out. This segment is much appreciated =)
I like this DVD, however, the arm segments weren't as intense as I was hoping for. There were a couple of times I wish my band was the same length as Fred & Elisabeth's. The band that came with the DVD seemed too short for me during a couple of the exercises. Overall I recommend this DVD for those really into callanetics. Beginner & Intermediate exercisers would benefit from this as well. Advanced exercisers may be a little disappointed, as there are more challenging arm/ab workouts available.
*******After a nice amazon customer asked a question about the bonus section (which I didn't even realize was there...oops) My attitude has changed. There is some nice back work included, which I desparately need. The bonus consists of:
1. Prone Strengthener & Stretch -really nice back work
2. from Exhale Pilates Plus (10min)- flat back/round back core
3. from Shiva: Creative Core Abs (8 min)- spontaneous core
Love it!!
Jenny G | Wisconsin, USA | 12/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really like this DVD. I won't go over the details of each workout since Nancy has done such a great job with that, but here are my thoughts on the DVD.
Upper Body Weights:
I really enjoyed this segment. If you have the Body Sculpt DVD and use the upper body weight segment from it, this would be a good option to add some variety. I love the 10 minute sessions as I tend to neglect my upper body in my workouts, but it is easy to squeeze this in. If you are looking to make it more difficult, simply add more weight. Easier? Simply use lighter weights. You can also do the second segment. I will also add - I'm in physical therapy currently for my knee so avoid doing standing weights. I was able to complete the majority of the workout while sitting on the edge of a chair.
UPDATE: Since there have been some comments about the upper body segments being too easy, I thought it would be helpful to include the amount of weight I am using. I had been lax on my upper body workouts lately so I did this the first two times with 3 lb weights, but now am using 5 lb weights. In the past when I did upper body weights all the time (but not using their DVD), I usually used 10 or 11 lb weights. So, if 5 lbs becomes easy, I will increase the weight to 7 or 8 lbs, etc. The exercises in this routine are traditional exercises just nicely combined into a 10 minute segment.
Upper Body with Resistance Band:
This is the only segment I have not tried as I was afraid it might bother my knee.
Abdominals with Resistance Band:
Abdominal Curl with Leg Variations:
I really enjoyed these and did both of them together. Although there is a simiilarity between their ab routines, I think these are different enough to make this DVD worth purchasing even if you have the other ones. I really like the Core Fusion ab routines, and since I also have Pilates Plus and Body Sculpt I like that this will give me additional variety. I try to use one of their ab routines three times a week. I think if you do the same routine all the time, your body gets used to it. This shakes things up just enough.
UPDATE: The last time I did these two, I did them together again, but I dropped the resistance band for the leg variations segment. It worked just fine without it.
Upper Body, Back & Hip Stretches:
Wow - I really liked this stretch routine as I do all of their stretch routines. I also have hip dysplasia and as a result it can be painful at times. I really try to work on flexibility for my lower back and hips, and their routines are perfect. I've used this routine a couple times when my hip was a little sore and it felt much better after.
BONUS segments:
- flat back/rounded back from the Pilates Plus DVD
- 8 minute routine from Shiva Rea's Creative Core DVD (I had fun doing this one after the first Core Fusion ab routine.)
- NEW 5 minute back routine. This works on both stretches and strength. It is short, but effective. I also give this routine a top rating.
If you have Pilates Plus and Body Sculpt and enjoy those, I think this would a good addition and provide some additional variety. If you are new to Core Fusion, the ab routines are quite different than traditional ones with lots of crunch reps. Core Fusion has very long holds, but is very effective."
Great Workout!
Kim | USA | 12/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just received this in the mail the other day, I am very happy with my purchase. I have done several other exercise tapes, and none of them get watched more than 2-3 times...I certainly see myself continuing on with the Core Fusion tapes! I love that it comes with an exercise band, you wouldn't be able to do the exercises with out one. You will need weights as well.
These exercises are great for people who don't have a lot of time to dedicate to exercise and I can already see a difference in my waist and thighs from the previous DVDs I have done after just 8 days! I love fast results!
Highly Recommend!"
Not as challenging as previous core fusion dvd's
LoveMyLab | Connecticut, USA | 12/29/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Overall, I like this DVD. I add the arm segment from Body Sculpt after the two arm segments and my arms are like jelly afterward. However, if I don't add that segment, it is an average arm workout. I was hoping this dvd would make my arms feel like my butt and thighs do after Body Sculpt or Thighs and Glutes, but it falls slightly short. The other Core Fusion workouts are awesome. This one is good. It goes along the same principal as the other DVD's which I like. Controlled movements, breathing and stretching. Non-irritating instructors. I recommend it as an add in to other workouts :)"
Tough but worth it
Kristie Grigoriades | lancaster, pa | 03/18/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this dvd bc my trouble zones are both my abs and arms. I love it so far and have been doing the dvd about 3 times a week for over 3 weeks now. I see a difference already in my arms and abs. Granted, I dont have a stomach like on the dvd yet, but I see muscle definition that was never there before. My waist also lost about an inch as well.
Fred and Elizabeh are both warm and inviting and I like how the time flies while doing the segments. I do an ab segment an arm segment and I throw in about a half hour of cardio on my own for 3 days a week and its great. Its not time consuming and i feel like i actually accomplished something afterwards because my muscles burn throughout both segments!Im very confident that I'll be ready for bikini season in no time with this dvd. I would reccomend this to anyone looking for a challenge to add to their daily cardio routine."