Expert Insight: Final Table Poker with Phil Gordon - DVD Learn winning strategies in No-Limit Texas Hold'em from renowned poker pro Phil Gordon!Get inside the mind of poker pro Phil Gordon and hear every thought as he play... more »s at the final table of a high-stakes No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament. Learn Phil's secrets on Pot Odds Dominated Hands Selective Aggression Bluffing Tells and much much more!BONUS FEATURES: 2 Viewing Modes: Choose Between Advanced & BeginnerPhil Gordon's Starting Hand GuideThe Rule of 4 and 2 Odds & Outs ChartExpert Insight: Beating Blackjack with Andy Bloch - DVD Learn the secrets to how the M.I.T. Blackjack Team won millions in Vegas bringing down the house!As manager of the M.I.T. Blackjack Team Andy Bloch and his team made millions in Vegas bringing down the house. Now you can learn their secrets!Andy teaches you: Basic Strategy - The mathematically correct way to playCounting Cards - Know when you have the advantageOptimal Betting - Bet based on your advantageTeam Play - Act as a team to take down the house!BONUS FEATURES: Audio interview with Andy Bloch about playing with the M.I.T. TeamBasic Strategy ChartOptimal Betting Tear-outExpert Insight: Short Game Golf with Jim Furyk and Fred Funk - DVD Learn to master your short game from top PGA pros Jim Furyk and Fred Funk!Get inside the minds of top PGA Tour pros Jim Furyk and Fred Funk as they compete in a skills match designed to help you improve your short game.Jim and Fred teach you the essentials including Lob Shots Bump and Run Shots Chipping Bunker Play Thick Rough and much much more!BONUS FEATURES: In Depth Breakout Lessons and Drills: Chipping Bunker Play and "Positions of the Clock"Setup Guides for 8 Critical ShotsFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: INSTRUCTIONAL UPC: 094922741707« less