This high quality History Channel type documentary proves the following points about the two Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill with clarity and precision: 1) The two Seals are Egyptian and Luciferian 2) The two Seal... more »s were introduced by Freemasons, in 1782 3) Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt, aided by his Secretary of Agriculture/Vice President Wallace, ordered these Seals to be placed on the back of the Dollar Bill in 1935, having been urged on and advised by the Russian channeler/mystic, Nicolas Roerach. 170 minutes long« less
"When I watch a Chris Pinto documentary, I'm often reminded of James Burke's "Connections" TV show. Previously unseen dots begin to connect until a vivid picture is formed. As he has in previous series, Chris has presented "Eye of the Phoenix" by drawing out elements obscure to the layman. Each element is sequentially building upon the previous until the obvious is revealed.
And I think "revealed" is the appropriate word. Too often documentaries force evidence upon the viewer. Pinto, however, in his wise manner lays the information out on the table, but leaves the conclusion for the viewer to self-construct. Perhaps a risky formula save for his extensive research that all but eliminates the "Yea, but."
"Eye of the Phoenix" is the third installment of a successful series. It continues to sift suppressed information and blend it with that which is so obvious - yet unseen. Challenge your intellect, discover, connect the dots, and draw your conclusion. With such a wealth of information, I'm sure you will view it numerous times. Each viewing confirming the next as you absorb the fruits of an earnest labor.
I'll not speak so to give the story away. But I will encourage you that there is a STORY to be heard - for sure.
Fascinating and Relevant to the current Economic Situation!
Ryan Page | Fort Dix, New Jersey | 03/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Either a skeptic or full-on believer will thouroughly enjoy this unique "history lesson". Not only does it reveal how our dollar bill came about, but it identifies all the key figures involved! Those included are some of the most famous of American history taught to us in grade school! On top of that, it reveals the true intentions of our politicians and those that influence America's policies, and takes it all the way to present time, to where our most powerful leaders intend to take us! Without a doubt, mind-blowing!!!! An absolute must-see for anyone who cares about our country and our future!"
Jess Woodrow | Los Angeles, CA | 03/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had Chris J. Pinto on my radio show to discuss the DVD and my AUDIENCE LOVED IT. I encourage everyone to get this amazing EYE OPENING film that you will not hear about on any major news source. BELIEVE me you will be surprised. You can hear the interview I did with Chris J. Pinto (the Director) at goto the podcasts page and find "Chris J. Pinto" in the archive. I had him on for 2 days in a row because this INFO is so shocking I wanted to completely understand it."
Sleight of fundamentalism
Joe P. Szimhart | Douglassville, PA USA | 06/21/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Using the innocuous cover of Antiquities Research, a fundamentalist Christian group examines the dollar bill and the symbols on it and the signs it contains. This carefully directed but at times ham-handed documentary ends with the claim that the Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1770s and other occultists determined what was to go on the US dollar bill. That dollar is purportedly loaded with satanic/Luciferian imagery imbedded there as a kind of self-congratulatory, "Ooh, look what we are getting away with" secret code. The New World Order will arise like a phoenix from the collapsed United States, a collapse planned and guided by the satanic world leaders behind the scenes in league with their demons. The DVD maintains that the leaders of Theosophy, namely, Blavatsky and her disciples, especially Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena, were used by a demon Morya [mispronounced `mor-eye-ah' in the DVD] to influence VP Henry Wallace and Pres. Franklin Roosevelt to put the great seal along with other Masonic symbols on the dollar bill. The implication is that mere human fantasy and folly coupled with big money could not have pulled this off. There not only had to be a demon behind it but ones named by the producers as Lucifer and 'Mor-eye-ah" ---give me a break. I have been tracking the Morya character since "he" appeared out of Madame Blavatsky's occult imagination in the late 19th century. Morya is no more a demon than are Bambi and Tinker Bell.
I think the point of the film is to alert a cult of evangelical Christians that their interpretation of Revelation and prophecy is true, that as a result of forces predicted in a particularly vain reading of the New Testament, Jerusalem will indeed become a bloodbath at Armageddon, and that in the end their version of Christ will reign in heaven and hell. The film wants us to surmise, as is usual with these biased, predictive attempts [Left Behind series anyone?] that the "end times" will happen within the lifetime of the producers and preachers that promote the book or film. How self-centered is that?
The Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill is a testament to nothing more than the simplemindedness of producers David Bay and Christian Pinto and their cohorts. As a Christian, I feel sorry for Louis Buff Parry, the Jewish scholar and code breaker who provides much of the accurate narrative weight for the film--he appears to have been used [tricked?] into supporting this specious agenda. I have a long running interest [not as a devotee] in Nicholas Roerich [who is centrally featured] and Theosophy, since 1975 to be exact, so I found Parry to be dependable enough on most counts regarding Roerich. He seems to have some confusion however as to who painted certain portraits of Nicholas Roerich when he names wife Helena instead of their fine artist son Svetslav who did the work.
Good, but you need to do your own research too
Konstantin | Inland Empire, CA USA | 05/10/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the third volume in series. It deals for the most part with the occult history surrounding Great Seal on the dollar bill.
While there is lot of new information presented, some stuff you probably already know. For instance, even though the dollar bill says 'In God we trust', the question is: of which 'God/god' does it speak? Of course it is plainly evident that pyramid with an all-seeing eye is NOT a Christian symbol. So, the Christian origin of the seal is ruled out.
Well, if you interested in this subject, and especially if you seen two previous films in the series, you might want to see this one as well.
Of course, you will have to make your own judgment about the information presented. It may be true, partially true, or mostly false. I don't think I am qualified to say much in regard to the information presented, but some data is simply historical and deals with geography and specific people. For instance, a person still can visit a museum of Roerich, and they do affirm that Roerich had his part in designing a dollar bill. For instance, a person at museum said " ... to have that Mason symbol put on the dollar bill, so that every resident of the US is connected to Rorich through the dollar bill." So, there is no hidden conspiracy or anything about that. It is plain and simple.
Generally speaking, it was informative even though I recognize that there is a room for dispute on some topics presented. I recommend you to take it with a grain of salt, but nevertheless to watch it (if this sort of material is of interest to you).
good fight dot org is where you can find list of great videos"