Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 12/22/2018...
Resistance to conformity and control of individuals via technology and mass media - these are the two quintessent themes explored in Ray Bradbury's preventor (and predictor) of futures. It is a story of the destruction of affinity betwixt all the individuals in a dystopian destiny. People have become self-indulgent and distant from the actual life they are existing in. There is a developed informant culture on display, and firefighters have transformed, not to those who quench fires, but those who stoke it. And the conflagrant incandescence of their torches sets alight all identified instances of the written word, namely books and the brave souls who horde them.
Truffaut's film was not well received at the time of release and has since achieved cult status. This is one of the most atmospheric and cogitative scifi flicks you'll find, and contains some scenes which will be burned into your brain for some time. I find I must revisit this film every few years, as I really do enjoy it. And I do miss Bradbury's distinct voice in this world.