Saw this a while, crazy horror plotline. A must for horror fans!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Shawna B. (Asforever18) from VISALIA, CA Reviewed on 7/17/2014...
My husband told me, he's glad I fell asleep before I caught on to the outcome. I can usually predict a films outcome long before most, in films that have strange twists and turns. So as we sit here together we are writing this review.
I expected this to be another mindless horror flick where usually I root for the bad guy, due to the stupidity of his/hers/its victims. After about 15 minute's into this film, I started to get a sick feeling of seeing something that would be imprinted in my memory I do not want. My husband is not one who catches on to the final plot until it happens and even then sometimes he has questions. My husband said the gore was explicit, way overdone and what happens to the child in the end is horrendous. If you have a strong sense of spirituality, my husband would not recommend this film...this film has spirit crushing abilities.
We would not recommend this film to anyone without full maturity and definitely above age prior to viewing. There is not much of a description to prepare you for what you are about to view. We would recommend some research prior to viewing this film! Be careful and be aware!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
A Not Guilty Pleasure
R. Schultz | Chicago | 10/03/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This film started out with some promise, with fairly good production values and decent acting. I felt a little like bailing out half-way through it though, when the torture started - when the blood began to spatter. It seemed as if the film was degenerating into typical schlock shock - gratuitous gore.
But I'm glad I stuck with "Farmhouse." It takes a surprising U-turn, becoming more than exploitation, more than sensationalism.
You know how a couple of decades ago, starlets used to justify their on-camera nude scenes with the rote pretext that those scenes were "integral to the movie's plot." In this case though, the torture scenes really do turn out to be integral to the plot. And that plot turns out to be quite well-crafted. With almost old-fashioned attention to detail, all the loose ends get tied up. All the seeming little discrepancies that a viewer will probably just overlook along the way - get explained. This movie proves itself to be considerably better than the usual slap-dash slasher film being ground out.
The real shock in "Farmhouse" is the forewarning moral that the movie impresses the viewer with. So this is one gore-fest that you don't have to feel guilty about devoting 95 minutes of your life to watching.
Sometimes there's no such thing as a second chance
Jay | USA | 07/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I had never heard of Farmhouse, and it appears no too many others have either, until I stumbled upon it and thought the premise sounded interesting. It appeared to be a revenge type suspense but turned out to be far different then anything I could have imagined. The film was written by Daniel Coughlin and directed by George Bessudo who'd previously done the laughable Lake Dead. After realizing that I figured they couldn't do much worse so maybe it'd be worth the watch.
The film starts with a young couple Chad & Scarlett who are planning to relocate after dealing with some very serious events (I don't want to give too much away). On their way Chad falls asleep at the wheel crashing the car into a telephone pole. When they awake they stumble out and come across a large house located on a beautiful wine vineyard. The couple, played by Steven Weber & Kelly Hu, welcome them in insisting that they stay for dinner and spend the night. They are more then accommodating until things take a very dark twist. Lets just say Chad and Scarlett have a very rough wake-up call that results in the worst possible outcome one would imagine.
I wanted to keep the synopsis brief because I don't want to give too much away. However you shouldn't feel too sorry for Chad and Scarlett who are exposed for their dark deeds at the end of the film. Just know that going into this film you will be dealing with more of a supernatural thriller but that won't become evident until late in the film. Overall I really enjoyed what I saw. Sure they could have done a few things better, but the film was very enjoyable for what it was. My only gripe was watching the actor Chad's facial expressions. This guy overdoes almost every expression he puts on. The other actors, especially Steven Weber, did a very good job and should be enjoyed by most horror fans.
A Great Torture Flick With a Nice Surprise
Siklootd | Santa Fe, NM | 01/11/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Farmhouse is a rare gem within the overcrowded horror sub-genre of torture flicks. With movies such as "Hostel", "Saw" and "Turistas" already available on the market, it's usually pretty easy to pass on torture flicks. The assumption that all of these films are the same may make many potential viewers turn away from considering Farmhouse. However, given the opportunity to view the film, I'm sure that they will quickly have a change of heart in regards to this film.
The story focuses on a couple who lives in San Diego. Chad and Scarlett are husband and wife venturing to start their lives anew in Seattle, Washington. They depart from San Diego after leaving all of their belongings to some friends and begin to head towards their destination. The reason for their sudden departure? Chad was recently involved with "loan sharks" and out of desperation the couple believes that moving far away will protect them from further harm from these "gangsters". Previous encounters with the "debt collectors" ended with violence, one encounter even leaving the pregnant Scarlett on the floor. As a result of the fall, Scarlett's baby is born with a disability (possibly Epilepsy) and faces seizures constantly. The audience knows that somehow the child has died, but the details aren't explained as of yet. The sudden death of the child had such an impact on the couple that it contributed as yet another reason why Chad and Scarlett decide to start their lives all over again.
Slowly after their departure, however, Chad falls asleep at the wheel during their drive to Seattle and the two of them are forced to seek shelter in a small farmhouse along the highway. They are taken in by a friendly couple who offers to help them locate a body shop in the morning and allow the traveling couple to stay the night. Looks can be deceiving, however, as the once friendly couple begins to slowly show their true selves. What unravels next is sure to shock the non-expecting audience. Brutal torture on various degrees occurs, as Chad and Scarlett begin to fight for their lives. The audience is left watching scenes of body mutilation and watch in horror as the couple meets more agony at every turn.
Just as things start to look up for the couple, the audience is greeted with a surprise twist regarding their exact location and why the two people are being tortured in the first place. The film plays itself as a justified torture flick with a moral to tell, showing the viewer why it's important to live a better life and just how evil greed truly is. With a great plot that is revealed slowly through flashbacks, the audience gains deeper insight on the past actions of Chad and Scarlett. Couple this with great acting, amazing lighting, and shocking scenes and you'd truly be out of your mind to pass this one up. A great film to add to any horror collection, and one that may change your perception on the torture sub-genre."
A different type of role for Kelly Hu
Shiloh Kremer | 02/16/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Kelly Hu is portraying a different character than her usual action roles (which she does very well).
The plot has a "special" twist at the movie's final scene which makes Farmhouse an excellent movie.
Steven Weber is also good in his role as Hu's husband.
This is a five star movie"
Cheese Grater anyone?
Dayna Newman | Tampa | 12/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was a film I had been wanting to see for awhile and finally decided to buy the DVD.
I'm glad I did.It starts off like most torture porn movies, a couple get in an accident and seek shelter with a seemingly sweet couple in their "Farmhouse".All seems wonderful as the owners of the farmhouse Kelly Wu and Stephen Weber share wine from their vineyard a meal and offer accommodations to the unlucky couple for the night.
What happens from there is surprisingly original and has some very tense nail biting moments.The ending really took me by surprise and I'm usually not a big fan of mixing the supernatural with my Slashers but in this case it really works and gives this film that extra punch that kind of knocks the wind out of you.. The acting starts off a little shaky but it picks up and gets much better as Stephen Weber and Kelly Wu are put into the mix.It also shows what kind of damage you could do "in a pinch" with a Meat thermometer and a Cheese grater.All in all I thoroughly enjoyed it and give it 2 big thumbs up."