In its fourth season, Farscape is as much dramatic and romantic fun as it's ever been and it's even more stylish than ever before. A pity, then, that this season is also the show's last, following its abrupt cancellation b... more »y the Sci-Fi Channel. If at times the tone seems a little lighter here than in its gloriously doom-laden predecessor, that is because its story arc is the first half of what was intended to cover two seasons and some of the material is clearly here for the long run. It is, for example, probably no coincidence that the priests' chant in "What Was Lost" has been part of the show's signature tune from the beginning. There are five episodes here. In "Crichton Kicks," Crichton has been a castaway for months on a senile Leviathan which is waiting its time to die. He has worked out wormhole technology, trained an orchestra of DRDs to sing the 1812 Overture, and is generally content, until his worldly resignation is shattered by the arrival of the beautiful, bossy, and untrustworthy Sikozu, a bunch of aggressive butchers and a somewhat battered Chiana and Rygel. "What Was Lost, Part 1: Sacrifice" takes them to an archaeological dig where they join Jool, D'Argo and the mysterious, annoying old woman Noranti and start to uncover lost secrets that change everything. In "What Was Lost, Part 2: Resurrection" Crichton, drugged into bed by the seductive evil Peacekeeper Grayza, regains his self-respect by helping save yet another world. "Lava's a Many-Splendored Thing" is a puzzle episode: how to rescue an amber-encased Rygel from the bottom of a pool of lava without getting crisped or shot by renegades and how to use D'Argo's ship to rescue him when it is keyed to his DNA. Finally, "Promises" takes everyone back to Moya to find a dying Aeryn Sun and a Scorpius she has promised to protect--the issue here is how to outwit both a Peacekeeper torpedo and an extortionist with a big ship and a taste for hiding behind holograms. --Roz Kaveney« less
"Sweet: I'm stoked to see the first 5 eps (an ingenious move) of the 4th season are on for details.Bitter: this is the first set of the last season before Farscape's forced hiatus[].If you're new to the series, don't be intimidated by "4th season" listed on the cover. The block of episodes included was designed to introduce new viewers to the characters & the uniquely skewed world of Farscape. The 3rd season ended (as those who've been following the series...via TV or DVD's...already know) with the group having parted ways...some voluntarily, others not, & one in quite a predicament (okay, it's obviously Crichton, who can find trouble staring out a window daydreaming). This set is the 5-part premiere showing how Moya's crew regroups. It begins with Crichton's space age/mad scientist bachelor life style ("Crichton Kicks"), and leads to Aeryn's (& Scopious'?!) arrival on Moya ("Promises"). In between the rest of the crew show up, new characters are introduced & the villains restart their pursuit with renewed vigor.Farscape often has a feel of watching a great movie as opposed to a TV show, and the 4th season is no different...better at it actually. The fact that this DVD, as well as the previous DVD sets, play through all eps on a disc only adds to this feeling. It sucks you in with it's characterizations, drama, action, & humor w/o commercial interruptions or delays between the episodes. I am certain long time viewers who were frustrated with the Aeryn being MIA when the episodes originally aired (it took 5 weeks to get the same story on this set), will gain a new perspective & appreciation of this storyline while watching them back-to-back. Farscape is always more enjoyable when watching episodes in groups.I personally can't wait to get my hands on this set, & especially the sets including the 2nd half of the 4th seasons, which contain some of the best TV I ever seen.Enjoy!!!"
The Begining of the End
Travis Johnson | Minnesota | 11/30/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"From the start, Farscape has been an amazing show, far better than anything else on T.V. It's dark tone and mixture of science fiction and fantasy, coupled with alien characters who, at times seem more human than many of us make this an engaging space opera. Now that the DVD collections have reached the fourth season, I find myself becoming wistful again.The fourth season, particularly these five episodes attempted to completely reintroduce the main characters to a completely new audience without alienating it's core viewers. A daunting task, but Farscape pulls it off (regardless of what the ratings may have said). Season four continues the show's trend of improving, and not underestimating it's audience. Bottom line: If you're a science fiction fan, than you have to at least check out Farscape. If, like me, you're a longtime fan, than this set is a must. It completely sets the tone for season four, which became one of the most cerebral and surreal of the series four year run.Until the miniseries airs, I will simply have to sit and watch this DVD over and over again."
Kira | Denver, CO | 11/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No, I'm not kidding. Check out if you don't believe me! :)About the DVD: I love it. I love it all! Season 4 is pretty dark (and dark is always good!) and it's especially better now that there will finally be a continuation to the unresolved cliffhanger in "Bad Timing," (not on this DVD, but probably soon to be released!) Anyone who hasn't watched the show, I *highly* recommend it, but suggest you start with an earlier season. Enjoy, and Scape on! :)"
"Can I Get A Hell Yeah?!"
rylettt | central, ohio United States | 12/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i watch, and like, all of the star trek shows, firefly, alias, battlestar gallactica, babylon 5, stargate name it. but the best ever, in my opinion, is farscape.
in the first episode, crichton is all alone contentedly working on wormholes. sikosu pops up trailed by a group of mercenaries, who callously sick their evil dog on our hero. chiana and rygel come home.
"what was lost" 1&2 brings d'argo and jool back into the picture, at a "dig". grayza is a problem, along with noranti and an amphibious creature. everyone is looking for an alien probe to solve magnetic disturbances with the atmosphere. the unexpected happens. jool decides to stay behind.
"lava is a many splendored thing" is a humorous episode, with rygel getting the group in trouble. john and d'argo trying to rescue rygel while chi and sikosu are trying to get in to help.
"promises" reunites the crew with moya and crichton's beloved aeryn. unfortunatly, she arrives with major baggage, in the name of scorpius, and some bad guys claiming that she assassinated someone important to them. to crichton's dismay, aeryn is not forthcoming with all of the facts and he has to figure it out.
to those of us who did not need to be re-introduced to the characters, these episodes might have been written differently. however, that criticism aside, the characterizations, writing, directing and editing are all top notch.
so, grab a raslak and watch some frelling good episodes."
Too Good for TV comes to DVD.....
Gary Bowden | Fort Smith, Arkansas United States | 11/19/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's too bad that Farscape didn't get the fan base and the ratings like the other overrated Sci-fi shows did,but now is your chance to see what all the fuss is about!! This show had action,suspense,great acting,great looking sets and aliens and a love story to boot....This is the last season of the series and it was sad to see it go,but don't be stupid to pass this by...This show was definitely too good for tv and then some....HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!"