A certain lime-green bikini reaches icon status in Fathom, clinging as tightly to Raquel Welch as those phagocytes that attacked her in Fantastic Voyage. Raquel was the reigning sex goddess of the moment, which is all you ... more »need to know about Fathom, an otherwise extremely silly example of proto-Austin Powers spy spoofery. She's a poster come to life, and the movie is geared around her '60s outfits (a purple-and-cornflower ensemble is particularly stupefying), her orange-peach lipstick, and the way her hair seems perfectly in place even after a high-speed boat chase. Sadly, Raquel's dialogue delivery is as stiff as her brunette mane, but the movie perks up when she is chased around by an angry bull, a sequence that may have you wondering whether you ate some bad cheese. By the way, her character is a dental assistant, visiting Spain as part of a skydiving troupe« less
"Fathom" is a breezy late 60s spy comedy starring Racquel Welch as a champion sky diver who gets mixed up in some cloak-and-dagger nonsense involving priceless Chinese treasure while on tour in Spain. The story is utter fluff but the Spanish scenery is nice and so is the Racquel Welch scenery. Seriously fellas, Racquel was the hottest woman in the world at this time, and she's so gorgeous in this movie that it's almost ridiculous.
Don't bother with the plot, just watch it for the eye candy.
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Movie Reviews
Raquel in all her glory!
Byron Kolln | the corner where Broadway meets Hollywood | 11/13/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Raquel Welch is delightful in the sexy spy spoof FATHOM. FATHOM has just been given its long-awaited DVD release along with the similarly-themed MODESTY BLAISE, OUR MAN FLINT and IN LIKE FLINT.Fathom Harvill (Raquel Welch) is a dental hygienist-turned-skydiver who is recruited by a bumbling investigator and his young sidekick Timothy (Richard Briers) to uncover a man (Tony Franciosa) and his Chinese girlfriend (Greta Chi), who have reportedly stolen military secrets and encoded information that could potentially end in the earth's destruction.Fathom ends up in a series of near-fatal encounters as the enemy changes at every turn. Fathom, to her horror, discovers that in order to survive she can trust no-one.The comical script is played dead-seriously with this stellar cast which also includes the fabulous Clive Revill as Fathom's masterly-foil Serapkin. Welch is luminous in what is regarded as her best film of the 60's, and the film is ably-directed by Leslie Martinson. (Single-sided, single-layer disc)."
Fathom on DVD... worth the wait!
Jarkko Inkovaara | Cambridge,Ontario,Canada | 08/13/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just got my copy of "Fathom" on DVD ..being a huge Raquel Welch fan,and of 60's spy capers i have patiently waited for this movie to finally come on the market.I saw this movie originally when i was 14 years old,and i tried to see if i could get it on video & DVD,but it wasn't avalible.
Probably because of the nastolgia for 60's spy movies,in part due to the sucess of Austin Powers,these gems are finally being re-released i couldn't be happier!
I really enjoyed this film alot,beautifully shot in Spain,i enjoyed chracters,the sets,cars,the costumes,gadgets,and the music..and ah-em ... Raquel Welch,especially in the lime green bikini peddaling the catamaran.
In today's very graphic, sex-voilence action films,Fathom is refreshing,a throw back to the care-free 60's.
I've been turned on to alot of 60's movies,because of the current tastelessness.. of contemporary Hollywood films,Fathom,the Avengers,early Bond flicks,are the perfect antidote for me.
The whole time i was watching Fathom i could image Austin Powers sitting down next to me saying "yeah baby" whenever Raquel would appear on film.
This movie is a must have for any collector of 60's spy movies,and of Raquel Welch.
Definatly recomended.
The plot is easy to understand,no complicated Tom Cruise "Mission Impossible" here,the bull chase is definatly original in Fathom.Greta Chi who is also very sexy like Raquel in this film is her nemesis,and pulls it off very well..."
Good clean fun---in a lime-green bikini!
jon sieruga | Redlands, CA USA | 06/28/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Knockout Raquel Welch creates a sexy, lively, tongue-in-cheek character here, playing Fathom Harvill, wise-cracking, sky-diving dental assistant(who's "sick of staring at molars!")mixed up in murder and intrigue in Spain. Someone took great care to cast lots of colorful eccentrics in the supporting roles, and the beauty of the location is perfectly captured. Of course it's a sub-James Bond fluffball, but the aerial stunts and blue-screen effects are fantastic and the script is a charming collection of witty one-liners."
SwellBooks | Park Ridge, IL | 02/08/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I have always liked this film! Raquel Welch (a very under-rated actress IMHO) is very good here as a amateur sky-diver who gets caught up in the spy game in Spain. The new DVD has a wonderful anamorphic widescreen transfer. It is sharp and colorful and sounds great (the music is quite good). The only extras is a poor looking trailer for this film (full screen) and trailers for Fox's other spy spoof releases, "IN LIKE FLINT", "OUR MAN FLINT", etc. I think it is time to re-evaluate Miss Welch's career and admit that the lady has talent. Start by checking out this film and the wonderful "THREE MUSKETEERS" and "FOUR MUSKETEERS" from Anchor Bay and "FUZZ" with Burt Reynolds and Yul Brynner on MGM DVD. You won't be sorry you did!"
It's Pure Raquel
Alric Knebel | Biloxi, MS | 06/11/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's not possible for me to think clearly when I'm watching a film starring Raquel Welch. However, when it comes to Raquel, I don't mind a befogged state.
Of course, I'm exaggerating. But FATHOM is a film I've truly enjoyed the five or six times I've watched it so far. She's a pleasure to watch here. And that I would like this film this much surprised me, as I obtained the DVD as one of the films included in the 5-disc RAQUEL WELCH COLLECTION, which I bought mostly for MYRA BRECKINRIDGE, about which I'd heard so much but had never seen. My sheer enjoyment of FATHOM, then, was lagniappe. It's a delightful farce, very light entertainment, featuring an exotic locale. It's typical of the escapist, pop-flavored feature films of that period, and it doesn't pretend to be anything other than a Raquel Welch vehicle. As that, if you're a fan, it succeeds. Her almost constant screen time, combined with the fact of her jaw-dropping pulchritude, makes this an easy film to watch again and again. Admittedly, my affection for FATHOM is slightly nostalgic, as it is so fluffy, it reminds me of my own innocence during the time this film was released. Also Raquel was the reigning Hollywood siren of my generation, her rise to stardom synchronous with my own coming of age. Therefore, when I'm watching it, it's a different kind of escapism than originally intended. I assume if you're considering buying this DVD, you're motivated by similar affections. You're definitely not buying it as part of a study of cinema. Let's face it: This is not LAWRENCE OF ARABIA; the only art on the screen is what Nature itself embodied in the person of Ms. Welch.
And that's enough art for me. The rest of it is just plain fun. To my taste, this is a sort of extended video, and, instead of it showcasing some MTV rock star, it permits me an uncluttered appreciation for this phenomenally beautiful and graceful woman. If you're a Raquel fan and you're looking for an opportunity to indulge your membership among her fandom, this is a film you'll enjoy. You'll find it a very relaxing, G-rated, escapist fantasy starring the premier screen goddess of any time. It'll be time well spent."