When we're the first to review a movie that's been out nearl
Sid the Elf | North Pole | 12/12/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Whats the first thing you do when you create a film so bad that it goes straight to video and sells about 8 copies worldwide? Make a sequal of course. As part of a four pack for $9.00 this one was coming sooner or later. Luckily a rainy december night inspired us to move forward and watch the long awaited sequal to one of our all-time disasterous favorites. When it comes to horror it is really tough to make an actual scary film so why would you attempt to freak people out with a wooden guy named Morty. Nothing could be further from scary, but thats why we love b and will watch it forever.
We kick things off with a genuine d-bag named Mike who decides to throw a Halloween bash at his grandparent's house. Yeah thats where you want to have a real rager, while gram and gramps are sleeping in their Craftmatic queen size bed. However this party is more of the costume variety minus any alcohol where everyone will dress up as their biggets fear. So Mike piles all his friends into a station wagon and off they go. Once they arrive they're greeted by grandma who appears to have mixed a little too much merlot with her arthristis medicine. As Grams is happy to have the kids running around crotchety grandpa hates the idea. See Mike witnessed his mom getting killed by his Dad and grandpa covered the whole thing up. So whenever Mike is around he gets worried he's going to bring up the family dirt and becomes uneasy, especially when he finds out apache's brother brought Morty out to show the guests. This go round Morty is about 150x more b looking then the original. The first Morty kind of looked like an actual wooden killer. This version looked like a guy wrapped up in 70's style wodden pannel wallpaper. Hilarious! Once Mory is unleashed the killing begin, but provide no tense moments. Instead of trying to build up some suspense they focus more on a love story between Mike and his girlfriend which gets old fast. At this point the one saving grace was the Seth Green look a like (but way nerdier if possible) who was dressed up like a shark. Throughout the entire film this guy is trying to deliver serious lines dressed up as a shark.
One by one bodies start to turn up pointing fingers among the group. Mike tells them Morty is in charge, but since nobody is 7 years old they don't believe him. They accuse each other while Morty continues his slow paced havoc. Finally it becomes evident that Morty is alive once he busts through a door and chases them around much like another christmas character we are so very fond of. We then start to see more flashbacks of Mike's childhood where he witnessed the murders then finally learns the truth that Morty was responsible for them and not his father. This takes a while to unravel and once it does you'll wish it never did.
After this review you may wonder why the 3 stars? Well despite a lot of corny boring dialogue The Fear: Halloween Night did have it's moments. We had more then a handful of laughs which really made the film way better then it is. As a rule of thumb as long as we crack up like 65% of the film it wil get a couple stars. If you want to be scared then stay away from this one as it will leave you feeling empty. However if you are looking for some cheap laughs at an even cheaper cost then have some fun with this one. The only question now left to ask is, when will we see The Fear 3? We'll put up the $350 production cost if Ubiquitous Productions Inc is interested. Only problem is since this was their only release they may have gone belly up about a week after the film was released."
Gory fun
Richard J Salamy | New Carrollton, Maryland United States | 08/25/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"well the first is sort of ok But the Second is decent the better effect, more likable people, and some funny moment's so I have a heart for these movie's If you like the first it great but very cheap not great. keep them coming."