"I am a huge Felicity fan - I was not a big tv viewer prior to its pilot and never real got into the whole WB thing (hated dawson's creek - do any teenagers really talk like that? Please!)
Felicity was great because I started watching it as a freshman and I know it's corny but I almost felt like I was growing up with her, because it was SO real and true. It so closely resembled things in my college experience and my friends' college experiences. I felt like each season we saw her grow and change into a new individual (loved the change of theme song in season 3).The first season was new, innovative, hopeful, inspiring. It was like being in college - lots of doors were opened and everyone wanted to see which way she'd go.Season two is great because you start to see the other characters come to life. Ben develops, starts to become a person who actually deals with his problems rather than ignoring them and being a jerk. Some people think that season 2 became too relationship/love-centered - but that's life, for sure, and when ISN't life about love and falling in and out of it!?Season 2 picks up where 1 left off and just keeps getting better! Check it out!"
Caitlin | Long Island, New York | 04/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Felicity, where to begin. Before this show there was nothing good on t.v. Flipping through the channels was pointless and I had just about given up on finding a decent show. Then along came Felicity. An inspiring show about a girl entering college to follow the boy she doesnt even know, all because of what he wrote in her yearbook, but in her words "I had always thought that if we knew eachother, we would love eachother." As the 1st season began I instantly fell inlove, with all the characters. Felicity, the sweet romantic who goes to college for a boy, but ends up realizing that she really came for herself, Ben, who goes to collede in Ny to get away from his family, and finds a love worth fighting for, and Noel, who falls inlove with Felicity from the start, and fights to have her. And I watched only to discover that it got better every season. I encourage anyone, who ever tired somthing spontaneiuos, whoever had there heart broken, fell inlove, or saw beyond all the problems around you, somthing worth trying for, to buy seasons 1 and 2, and maybe you'll fall inlove as well."
Speaking only of the DVD features etc.
mertalert | 11/18/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I can't tell you whether or not you'll enjoy the show--and let's face it, if you're buying the DVD's you probably already saw it, right? Anyway, a few technical points for anyone interested in buying these DVDs: Each episode is one whole chapter, thus although there are about 4 hours of viewing time per disc, there are only four chapters by which you can skip ahead in the storyline--this makes for a lot of fastforwarding if you want to find a certain scene or watch only part of an episode, which can be irritating. Really irritating.The audio commentary--well, it's not great. Actually, I can't think of any DVD on which it is worse. This may be a matter of personal taste, but to have the commentators constantly asking one another, "what scene is this?" "Do you remember shooting this? Because I don't...." "Which episode is this?" "Now why are these two mad at each other?" "who is that character?" was annoying. I can respect that for the commentators these scenes were shot years ago, and I can't and don't fault anyone for forgetting this stuff, but as that's the reality of it, why include commentary at all? It seemed like a bit of a jumbled waste.
(Amendment: the commentary on Help for the Lovelorn and The Slump is much better.)The extras: these are included on disc 6. Neither the box nor the discs themselves give you, the humble viewer, any clue as to where they might be. Like an idiot I went through every disc until I got to the last one and figured it out. Somewhere out there a graphic designer is laughing at me. The extras themselves are really nice inclusions--especially the Emmy parody. The background info on the casting and the unaired pilot give some added insight into the creation of the show. I was not interested in this, but these segments are very well done and I think avid fans would find them worth watching. Sound quality is pretty good, picture is great, subtitles in English or Spanish. Some people wrote about the changes to the music, I didn't notice it too much.Hope that helps someone,me"
Absolutely amazing
Sarah E. Hyde | 07/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In season one we came to know the characters of Felicity and we came to love each and every one of them for what they were. We went through our weeks waiting for the night when we could sit down and watch the one show that we could relate to. We could relate to Felicity's boy woes, and we knew exactly what she must have been feeling everytime Ben messed up. Season one introduced us to the cast that kept us mesmerized for the following three years. Season two created an environment where the characters blossomed, and if anything we began to respect them much more for their character flaws. It made them real. We began to understand Ben's confusion, and know exactly what Felicity must be thinking. The love that Ben and Felicity had began to unfold before us, and we could relate. I have always loved Felicity. It has always been, and always will be the one show that I could honestly relate to. It wasn't sugarcoated. It wasn't fake. It was college. It was television like it should have always been. So, I recommend every single one of you to purchase this DVD collection. Purchase it because Felicity means something to you, and if we don't stand up for the show we want to keep timeless their might not be another season let out on DVD. We can't let seasons three and four go undiscovered, because like seasons one and two it only developes characters into the ones we cried with when it went off the air. Look beyond what most people say as 'bad haircuts' and see the show for what it really is-- a masterpiece."
Season 2 - My personal fave...
mertalert | Lawrence, KS United States | 02/21/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Season 2 was definitely my favorite season of Felicity. It was the season of the infamous "bad haircut," which I thought Keri Russell pulled off remarkably well. In season 2 Felicity and Ben ride the relationship rollercoaster - going from dating to breaking up to finally falling in love. Sean and Megan unexpectedly hit it off after Megan has to move in because of a fire in the dorm. Noel dates Ruby, a freshman in Felicity and Megan's dorm (they're both RAs this year), and finds out after they've become serious that she's pregnant with someone else's baby. Javier is back at Dean and Deluca and preparing to marry Sammuel. Elena finally meets a man, but things get bumpy when he says he's saving himself for marriage. All in all, I found this season to be my absolute favorite, and I know you will too!"