The suspense climbs to a fever pitch in FLIGHTPLAN on Blu-ray?s high definition disc. Dive into Hitchcock-like thrills as never before via this exhilarating new format. Flying at 40,000 feet in a state-of-the-art aircraft... more », Kyle Pratt?s (Jodie Foster) six-year-old daughter Julia vanishes without a trace. Or did she? No one on the plane believes Julia was ever onboard. Now Kyle, desperate and fighting for her sanity, can only count on her own wits to unravel the mystery and save her daughter. Feast your eyes on every nerve-racking scene in breathtaking 1080p, while enhanced audio stirs your senses. Ascend to unsurpassed levels of entertainment with Blu-ray? High Definition.« less
Jeffrey A. Thompson | Iowa City, IA USA | 02/07/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Many aspects of this movie work well. Jodie Foster raises this movie above the conventional thriller. The setting using a jumbo jet works. You get to see parts of the jet, for example, the cargo bay that a typical passenger never get to see. The pacing is good. The characters themselves are well written and believable. They make understandable decisions. One never has to ask why a character would do such a stupid thing.
It is with the plot that I have the most trouble. It is fairly convoluted. It does answer the questions the veiwers have when they watch the movie. Why would anyone do this to Jody Foster's character? Why would they kidnap the daughter? Is the husband's death related in anyway? If there is a conspiracy, how big is it?
However, there were quite a few holes in the plot that left me with a bad taste in my mouth after the movie. The movie just did't click for me at the end."
Were You Really There
BO BO BOB | JACKSON, MS | 01/31/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Were you really there, when this once in every five years thriller hit the movies? This is a great movie. Jodie Foster is a natural. I think having children of her own, in real life, helped her delve deep within for this role. She is clearly one of the best,in a class with Jack Nicholson, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep.
This movie stretched emotions, reality and had me on the edge of my seat. I began to believe that Foster's daughter really didn't exist. There was never a boring moment. Throwing in the "political correct" message about the Arabs on the plane was handled perfectly in the movie, while not being overemphasized or loudly pointed out.
At a time whent the word "great" is overused, it would not be to describe this gem."
Flight Plan - Gotta See - Keep watching
BO BO BOB | 08/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My roommate and I are Jodi Foster fans. We thought we were going to be disappointed at first, but her dynamic performance kept us fascinated and we were not disappointed. We would highly recommend this movie to all our friends. Makes you believe in a persons sense of right. No disappointments here."
Foster does it again!
BO BO BOB | 06/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"My mom bought this movie at Hollywood Video for about $8.00. Let me tell you something this movie is worth more than that!
A plane engineer (Jodie Foster) and her daughter go aboard an airplane that she designed. They start flying and Kyle Pratt Foster) needed to use the bathroom and comes back to a surprise, HER DAUGHTER WAS MISSING! Kyle believes that someone aboard is holding her hostage. Kyle goes to great lentghs to find her daughter, Julia, including ordering the captain to scour throughout the plane. Kyle knows the plane from top to bottom, which makes her think that someone is planning to hold her daughter ransom. The captain (Sean Bean, I think) insists that she had passed away, along with Kyle's husband, at a hospital. Kyle knows that her daughter is still on the plane because of one little hint. A fogged up window with a heart drawn on it from her daughter drawing it on the window. The rest is for you to find out!
This is a great movie for you to enjoy. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. I REALLY recomend this movie if you enjoy action movies."
Important plot elements missing
Jane W. Elioseff | Houston, Texas | 03/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Now and again there is some wonderful acting in Flightplan, from all of the principals, but the motives and objectives of the bad guys are entirely unexplained. They have murdered at least two people and performed amazing legerdemain just to set up the kidnapping -- but why, for what? There must be easier ways to get hold of a jet and fifty million dollars.
That large criticism aside, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie -- its chills are psychological -- and the psychiatrist and air marshall are perfectly cast. Best of all, unlike in real life, we know from the outset that Jodie Foster's character is going to win through."