Synopsis: — Based on an Asian mythical hero, FORBIDDEN WARRIOR follows the story of beautiful young Seki, who discovers that she is the only living person with the power to control an all-powerful book of spells ? and she m... more »ust learn how to use her gifts in order to save the world from bloodthirsty rivals who would steal it. DVD Features:
Widescreen Format
Commentary with Director Jimmy Nickerson and Producers Glen Hartford & Daniel Toll
Michael G. (mgmirkin) from PORTLAND, OR Reviewed on 9/16/2009...
Where's the rest of this movie?
The movie seemed like it had promise despite it's made-for-TV-ish-ness. But it squanders all it builds by simply cutting off the movie right when it's set to actually go somewhere. I was kind of expecting an "intermission" and "part 2" but no such luck.
IE, the entire movie is about training this mystical chick who's supposed to be the "chosen one," save a mystical book from an evil warlord and save the world. Well, we get to the part where the girl's up and trained. But then the movie just ends. No world saved. No book retrieved. No warlord defeated. It feels like they only made HALF of the movie. Did they run out of money or what? Or was it really so poorly written that it ends before anything is really even resolved? We make it to the part of the story where we're at the "rising action," but we don't get to the climax or resolution of the overall story arc. They really either need to release a "vol 2" like the Kill Bill saga, or just, well, send it back to the drawing board.
Can't really recommend this one, unfortunately. I had high hopes. But the fact that the story never goes anywhere was a real disappointment.
Movie Reviews
An Unfortunate Display of Opportunism
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 08/14/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Anytime the urge rises to be entertained with an escapist film the top of the list becomes one of the Asian martial arts films, films of stunning beauty, breathtaking choreography, handsome actors, and enough legend to make the storyline fascinating, e.g. 'The House of Flying Daggers'. This pathetic film is packaged like those wonder movies and so deludes the public into thinking it is in an equal category. Not even close!
A child is born to a couple informed that their progeny will be a male warrior who has the secrets to read the codebook that contains the key to the power of the universe. The pregnant mother is stabbed by the evil adversaries but the baby lives, 'disappointingly' a girl! The girl Seki is transported via a leaf boat to a blind wise magician who cares for her and teaches her Taiji and Kung Fu, raising her to return to the world and discover life along with her gifts. A family who wants to maintain dominion over China sends two sons (one evil and the other kind) to capture the girl and steal the code to the sacred book. The evil son is accompanied by warriors: the kind son is accompanied by Caucasian Marx brothers. The rest of the story is too simple-minded to discuss.
There are so many errors of judgment in the making of this film, not the least of which is a nebulous and silly script, that disrupt what might have been an honest attempt for Hollywood to make a martial arts film. But the acting is poor, combining Asian actors with non-Asian actors makes both look ridiculous, the special effects are clumsy, and the mood of ancient China is completely destroyed by the computer generated graphics superimposed on the real location of Griffith Park in Los Angeles! The three stooges added to the good warrior's team are so silly that they pass funny into absurd. There is no ending to the movie: instead it feels like the producers just ran out of money. A must miss. Grady Harp, August 06"
You can't make a foo yung without breaking eggs
Junglies | Morrisville, NC United States | 02/23/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This looked like a good idea at the time when I rented it. The story looked good replete with Asian actors and not animation. The proof of the pudding lies in the eating however, and in this case gave me some indigestion.
Clearly of asian origin this is low budget hollywood at it's worst. Trying to mimic Martian Arts movies on the cheap is not the best idea anybody ever had and coming up with a lame storyline does not help either. The characters are mere cardboard replicas of their former selves and I found it infuriating that the wise sorcerer kept refering to the grown woman as my child.
I found the movie to be over the top moralising painting dilemmas with spray paint rather than calligraphy brushes. While the output of Hong Kong can beat the world in silliness and stunts they do have the edge on the delicate treatment of their myths. This ham fisted treatment shot in the Hollywood foothills as as much finesse as a Terminator movie. It is too long, boring and predictable with such a lame ending, not to mention the silly boat which looks so fake.
It was worth a try but I think the producers should have quit whilst they were still behind."
Worst movie i've ever seen
CAT | USA | 06/23/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"i rented this movie with the expectation of a great asian film: well-choreographed martial arts, beautifully shot scenes, and a good storyline
boy, was i ever disappointed, maybe i was expecting too much, considering its a low budget independent film but nothing about the movie was good except for the summary in the back of dvd case!
the acting was terrible! not one of the actors could act, which made the whole film laughable and the martial arts was slow, with a few (let me stress *few*) added wire scenes obviously trying to copy from other great asian films to try to make it look authentic
halfway through the movie (after much discussion between my boyfriend and i to try to return the movie to the rental place but deciding it was too late), i put on the director's commentary, just to see why the directors actually thought their movie was even worth making; i was amazed to hear them actually saying good things about the movie!
i watched a little bit of the "making of" in curiousity; when i got to the part of the main character, seiki, saying how she loved her character b/c it provided range for her acting, i finally turned off the movie in amusement, amazement, and yes, even pity, that she would even think that"
A total crappy movie!
Pablo | 07/10/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"1. Bad acting
2. Thin Plot
3. Poor Scripts
and the list goes on. Buy or rent it at your own peril."
Michael J. Tresca | Fairfield, CT USA | 01/21/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Forbidden Warrior sounds interesting at first. Hot chick? Check! Mystical powers? Check! Martial arts? Check! It has all the right ingredients to be awesome ...
But it is so the opposite of awesome. It is, in fact, the anti-awesome.
The plot, what little there is, involves two brothers and a pirate on a quest to find Seki (Marie Matiko), the magical girl who can read the magical book that will unlock the Secrets of the Land. She is raised by a blind flying Anglo hippie who speaks in SLOW. PLODDING. SENTENCES, and spends much of her time in the wilderness, picking flowers and eating berries.
Into this idyllic lifestyle wanders an Asian pirate and his hot white chick companion (Musetta Vander, who seems to have no purpose other than to glare at people). The pirate instantly falls in love with Seki. What this plot has to do with anything, I have no idea.
The real story is about the two brothers, raised to be ruthless by their overbearing father. They're seen as kids fighting against each other, and then again decades later, only nobody has aged one bit except the two boys. Ah, movie magic!
Each brother has his own henchmen. The Good Brother has a group of misfit white guys: a fat guy who speaks gibberish named Jibberish, a Jerry Lewis imitation named Mouse, and a big guy named Tall Tall. Did I mention Tall Tall interprets everything Jibberish says? Are you laughing yet?
Fortunately the Bad Brother has some cooler bad guys, including Yang Sze (played by Al Leong, who has been in every American film featuring martial arts as every moustached Asian bad guy). Lots of time is spent establishing how bad the Bad Brother is and how Good the Good Brother is. SPOILER ALERT: These two are going to fight over the girl!
And then she will use the magic the flying white hippie taught her!
And there will be a big sword fight!
And then there will be very little actual martial arts!
And now that I think about it, there wasn't all that much magic either ...
In short, Forbidden Warrior lowers the bar for chop-sockey flicks down to its toenails, then trips over it. On the upside, it will make a hilarious drinking game.