Brian Friedman is one of the hottest dancers on the scene. Having danced with the likes of Destiny's Child Prince Christina Aguilera Michael Jackson Britney Spears and many other top stars he has done choreography for Beyo... more »nce Hilary Duff Prince Aaron Carter Queen Latifah NSync and Jewel. Now he brings his dance moves fresh from the world of hip hop and freestyle to home audiences. Starting with the "tryouts section" Brian auditions talented young dancers in LA ultimately whittling down the hundreds to a select six students for a week of intensive training. From there Brian offers those at home some training of their own demonstrating hip hop street and pop sequences such as those seen in hits like Mya?s "Rock Wit U" and Britney Spears' "Overprotected." Representing a unique opportunity to learn the insiders moves that professional dancers take years to pick up this tutorial will have you working the dance floor just like you've always wanted.System Requirements:Running Time: 87 MinFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: HEALTH/FITNESS Rating: NR UPC: 031398157557 Manufacturer No: 15755« less
Vicki Licata | Northvale, NJ United States | 07/22/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"this is definitely NOT a DVD that I would recommend for beginners. If you don't have any hip-hop dance experience and hope to learn to freestyle from this, GOOD LUCK. I couldn't keep up. If you are a quick choreography learner, you'll love this a beginner I was lost and feeling like I was out of my element after 5 minutes. But as I mentioned before, it was fun to watch! He's an incredible dancer and watching the audition process was very cool."
This is no Darren's Dance Grooves
KiWiSouP | Minneapolis, MN USA | 11/04/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Brian Friedman instructs you like you've been dancing for years...blazing through a routine in about 10 minutes. No matter what your dancing experience...I have a feeling you'll be very well acquainted with your rewind button once your through with this.
They tried to make things easier by mirroring the moves. When they say to move left on the screen, they will move to YOUR left and you will also...even though they are REALLY moving right, sounds easy enough, that is until you do moves that require you to turn sideways...they you can no longer mirror what they are doing. It's confusing trying to keep what they say and what they do in's confusing just trying to explain it, but you will see if you purchase this DVD."
Not for those who can't dance, but good for those who need g
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 08/29/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The menus give the choice of Play, Chapter selection (welcome, tryouts, training {learning the moves}, performance {before, 5 min show & after}, setup {2 or 5.1 sound sound, subtitles & commentary}, & special features {celebrity interviews, stretch & workout {8 min stretch 10 min abs, back toning workout}
Unlike most DVDs that teach you the moves in a favorite song, Brian does tell you when to kick, which foot, which hand, to scoop, turn around, etc. He doesn't just count like others *cough* Tina Landon *cough* or many others. He also cues YOUR left/right, not his.
This has almost 70 minutes of teaching you the moves for Ashanti's Rock Wit U, Mya's "My love is like wo", Britney's "overprotected" & Jamiroquai's "Canned Heat"
Some of the moves are very hard physically, like Jamiroquai's, but Brian's teaching is one of the best I've seen. I suggest you check out the dancing to see if you can do it first. Some of those moves I can't.
My only complaint is too much wild camera movement to make it look more cool.
You can see info & clip on collagevideo com or look up his name & Freestyle on youtube for clearer clips
Great Workout
Julio C. Castellanos Jr. | Anaheim, CA | 05/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Not only do you learn choreography to songs like Overprotected by Britney and My Love is Like Wo by Mya, you get to see the whole process of audition and preparation to be a dancer for Brian Friedman. There is also interviews with the celebrities he has worked with and an actual warm-up exercise video included. My only problem with the main feature is the mirror-image used to make it. Unlike a video where if the subject spins right you do, everything goes the other way, so you'll have to actually listen and not just watch to get the choreography right."
Worth it
Dezi | 11/21/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD for about 11 dollars, and it was worth the money. There are some complaints: 1) Sometimes the sound cuts out on a line that he says. It never seems to be on something important, and I'm not sure what they're editing out, but it's annoying nonetheless. 2) The menus on the DVD aren't very straight forward. Sub-menus galore!
That about sums it up for complaints, though. It's very step-by-step, and the dances that he teaches look great. I haven't checked through all of the special features yet, but the dance instruction alone is enough for me to say it's a good buy. If you want to learn some hip-hop dance moves, this is the way to go."