"...absolutely no attempt has been made to remaster the show's video or audio. In some strange way this flagrant disregard adds to the charm of watching this again, but after a few hours of staring at a blurry slightly out-of-focus looking picture, your head is likely to start pounding. My advice? Chew slowly. It's the good stuff!
Friday the 13th the Series: The Second Season"
Great Series
James D. Crabtree | Fayetteville, North Carolina | 02/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I almost didn't watch this when it first came out, thinking it was associated with the slasher films of the same name. Nothing could be farther from the truth! These episodes are great thanks to the overall plot and the excellent scripts. The special effects might seem simple when compared to today's products but I think it has the positive quality of making sure they aren't over-done. I look forward to watching more of these in the future!"
For Those Complaining about Video Quality
psycho psycho | 05/14/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The reason the show looks the way it does is because of the era. Many shows in the '80s were shot on film and then edited on videotape, which gives it that fuzzy look. It's a lot easier to restore film than video. It's sad it looks this way, but that's just the way it is. Some of you have mentioned that Twin Peaks is amazing restoration - that's because it was shot and edited on film.
I wish the show looked better, but I'm still happy to have them, especially since I never thought Paramount would release them. Be honest: Did you ever think this would be released?"
Friday the 13th the Series
C. Gandy | Buffalo, NY | 04/28/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this series. You always wonder if these things really happen. I can't wait for the rest."
Excellent TV from North of the border...
Bruce E. Munck | Gaston, SC United States | 04/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I used to watch this show weekly when I wasn't doing anything more important and I enjoyed it quite a lot. With the lack of quality programming nowdays this has become a classic. Chris Wiggins reminds me so much of Donald Pleasence...either of those two could have played Jack Marshack, and either could have played Dr. Loomis (Halloween). I might be getting off-track here, but let me say that I consider Louise Robey to be quite a beautiful woman. I cannot imagine any other female taking her place in this program. The director may have gone a bit overboard with some of Robey's outfits in the first season, but that didn't detract from her beauty; and in the second season the outfits were all very tasteful. I won't list favorite episodes since I consider all of them to be great and I don't want to detract from the entire package. I have bought the first two seasons already and I hope the third season is also released since the only other way of getting it is to buy the whole set from the bootleggers. I don't want to rebuy seasons one and two just to get season three."