Whereas the first Full Metal Panic anime series was a sci-fi drama with flashes of comedy, Fumoffu doesn't even pretend to be serious! Loads of new characters and scenes from the best-selling manga make Full Metal Panic? ... more » Fumoffu! A must-have for any anime fan!« less
"Well, its that time again, time for my patented super advanced plot summary/review... so I guess let's get right into it shall we? And I'll try to keep it free of cheesy puns, etc :P
Once again, I'm taking a guess at it being 3 episodes (3 groups of openings/endings).. as then it fits nicely on 4 DVDs...
Plot Summary:
The Jindai High rugby club is in trouble! Yes, that's right, their school has a rugby club; only they are perhaps the worst rugby players ever. In fact, if they do not win their next game, they will be disbanded immediatly! This game, however, happens to be against their bitter rivals, and to top it all off each and every one of the rugby players are absolute sissies! When Kaname and Souske get assigned the task of helping them attempt to win; all hope seems lost, until Souske decides to take matters into his own hands and whip that team into shape...
In the next episode, we have a quick flash back to the Tuatha du Danon (or however you spell it... accursed silent letters!!!); Tessa's second in command suggest she takes a vacation while repairs are made. Tessa agrees, and, to make a long story short, comes to pay Souske a visit... As Tessa comes to school, tensions flare between Kaname and Tessa as they vie for Sousuke's heart... what a lucky guy, assuming he can survive it!
In the final episode, Kurz and Mao FINALLY arrive, in the nick of time to prevent a weary Sousuke from kicking the bucket. As Mao, Tessa, Sousuke, and Kaname are planning Tessa's final weekend, Tessa decides to go to a hot springs (which is, of course, Kurz's idea). Kurz and the other guys (except sousuke of course) immediatly commence a plan to peek on the girls in the open air Hot Springs... but the security system on the hot springs is very elaborate and protective.... they make one last desperate attempt, but will any of them survive it (and we'll we get to see?!?!?!!!111)
Once again, this series doesn't disappoint. It delivers hilarious joke after joke. The major development here between Sousuke and Kaname is only in the middle episode, as the other two are relatively light on that. Despite that minor drawback, each of these episodes are hilarious in their own right, and this is a must buy for any anime fan in general.
You're probably wondering why my reviews of it are so short? Well, mainly because I focus on the summaries rather than the review... all you REALLY have to know is that it lives up to the same quality as the previous episodes."
Tessa Fans of all Nations, Unite!
Michael B. Morrison | Burbank, CA United States | 09/11/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The highlight of the 3rd volume of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu is the return of Captain Tessa for 2 episodes. It's really a shame that she only appears in 2 episodes in this series. Anyway, Tessa decides to use her vacation from the sub to attend Kaname's high school as an "exchange student". In her first episode she shows up at Souske's apartment and enrolls at school. In the second episode pretty much the whole cast goes to a Hot Springs, including Kurtz and Mao who also make an appearance. The Hot Springs episode contains more fanservice than all the other episodes in the series combined! In short, if you like Tessa, these 2 episodes might be your favorites of the enitre Fumoffu series.
Oh, there is another episode on this disk: Kaname and Souske try and turn the wimpy school Rugby team into tough guys so they can defeat their rivals and save the Rugby Club. There is an incredible amount of foul language in this episode, a lot of it is bleeped out in both the Japanese and English versions, I'm not sure if it was aired originally with the naughty words or not, but it's not too hard to make out what Souske is saying. It's a funny episode.
To summarize, if you like Tessa (like me) you'll wait in line to get this disk. Lots of laughs and plenty of fanservice.
Niko | 05/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"To begin with, it is definitely a very good show, something that I will explain later on.
Let us start with the outline of the story.
As the rest of the DVDs, this one has three stories going on:
1) In the first episode Sousuke and Kaname will be assigned to help the rugby team to get back to the winner's road. The problem: The rugby team will behave more like poets (just brought up as an example, I have nothing against them)rather than being an actual rugby team (well, the ones who play this or a similar sport will understand what I mean when watching the shows). In order to help them Sousuke will isolate them for a week somewhere in the mountains and give them the proper military `basic training'. Funny as hell. By the way, Sousuke will curse at the players like a lunatic but `bibs' will be heard all the time.
2) The second episode, is when Tessa (who appears only in this and in the next episode alongside with Mao and Kurz) decides during her vacations, because the sub needs repairs, to visit the school of Sousuke and Kaname `firing' the love triangle to new heights.
3) The third episode is one of the most talked about. Tessa decides to spend her final weekend in a hot spring. And guess what Mao and Kurz show up as university students (cover). Well, you can already imagine: The Men will give everything to see the naked bodies of the women and you will laugh with what they will come up. The only one standing between them: Sousuke. This show is extremely hilarious.
Overall, FMP Fumoffu concentrates more on the `ordinary school life' and on comedy, in contrast to FMP which balanced between comedy and action with Mechas. Nobody dies but it is funny as hell.
Additionally, the current series combine comedy, romance and action. As for the voices, either you hear it in Japanese or dubbed, both versions are very satisfying.
Last but not least, the price is the usual one that is charged for separated DVDs, in contrast to FMP 1st season that comes out in a box set and is much cheaper.
As a side note, the last FMP series that is out there is called FMP overload and currently available only on some other sides which for obvious reasons I cannot name here.
The final question:
Buying it or not?
Having watched all the series, my humble opinion would be: Yes and I highly recommend the shows.
Reginald T. Wills | Denver, CO | 02/16/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have to say out of the 4 volumes for FMPF Volume three is the funniest. I mean you have to watch it for yourself. The 1st episode starts off with Jindai High's Ruby team.....the team sucks so bad that the school was bout to ban it (How can you have a bunch of sensitive wimpy guys play on a ruby team anyway?) but Souske is tasked to beef up the squad to blood thirsty, cold hearted killers on the playing field.
Episode 8: Tessa takes a vacation to Jindai High to spend a lil quality time with souske but with him having orders to protect the captain...the captain almost puts him out of commision
Episode 9: The funniest of them all...I mean this episode has alot.......i mean Alot of eye candy for the guys i mean.......i wish that freakin lady bug was not it the way........but oh well...lol But the captain and crew takes a trip to the hot springs and well.....I guess...its natural for teenage boys but the fellas try to have a free sneak peak at the lovely ladies but souske sets up the whole park with booby traps....lol what till the end and i promise you.....YOU WILL BE LAUGHING YOUR HEART OUT!
I highly recomend (how ever you spell it) the series if you are a real fan and don't mind having major comedy of the FMP series
75 minutes long
episode 7: The war cry of excessiveness
Episode 8: A Goddess comes to japan (part 1: the suffering)
Episode 9: A Goddess comes to japan (part 2: the hot sprigs)
Rated P.G (i don't know how its rated P.G if it shows nude girls................but its censcerd (how ever you spell that D&^* word!)"
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 10/23/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Sousuke and Chidori have been given an assignment by the student body president that they are not particularly suited for. They have to whip the school's rugby team into shape because if they lose their next game, the program will be dismantled. The problem lies in the fact that all the players are a bunch of sissies whose idea of a work-out is to laze around and water plants! Things are not going well until Sousuke institutes a military style training regimen, including tons of cuss-words that have to be censored for sensitive ears. After that, Sousuke has to deal with the arrival of his superior officer, who informs him that Captain Tessa is coming to stay at his apartment and will attend his school as she takes a vacation from Mithril. Of course, this is going to really get under Chidori's skin, especially because she won't admit she even likes Sousuke, and Tessa has a major league crush on our military nut. But just wait till you see the hilarity of that fan-service obligatory anime phenomena...the hot spring bath visit as a send-off to Tessa. With sex-crazed Kurtz and his arch-enemy Mao along for the trip, things are going to get ugly. Especially as Kurtz's main goal in life is to be a peeping tom!
This show is really funny. While the middle episode on this volume was pretty weak in terms of humor, the other two that bookend it were just great. The voice acting is superb and really makes you like the characters. This could have easily went the way of Excel Saga and bored the viewer, but it keeps up the laughs. The animation is also great, even though the show is pretty domestic, there's still a lot of action.