INTERPLANETARY PANDEMONIUM! Quit your job, sell the dog, and run wild in the streets! The universe will never be the same now that executive producers Matt Groening and David X. Cohen have crammed four of their all-time... more » favorite FUTURAMA episodes onto one astonishing DVD. There's no doubt about it: the Futurama Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection ranks as one of the greatest Maniac Fun Collections of all time. FUTURAMA is the epic, Emmy-Award-winning sci-fi comedy from Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons. Set in New New York City in the year 3000, it's a future unlike anything you've ever imagined... unless you've imagined booze-powered robots, semi-literate lobsters, and horrifying yet sexy cyclopses. Someday all comedies will be this funny but you'll be dead!« less
"Yep. This is a good sign that Fox is still interested in the show.
Just like the Family Guy Freakin' Sweet DVD, these 4 episodes (1 episode per season) are hand-picked favorites by the creator of the show, Matt Groening. These episodes are:
Hell is Other Robots (S1)
Anthology of Interest I (S2)
Roswell that Ends Well (S3)
The Sting (S4)
If the extras are good, than that will make this DVD worth buying. There's no final word on what the extras are yet, but there are some rumors that there will be intros into each episode by Matt Groening, as well as brand new commentaries and a never-before-seen animatic.
If you want more info on this, go to Otherwise BITE MY SHINY METAL @$$!"
Good episodes, but pointless if you own the boxsets
Marc Connelly | 09/14/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"While they might not all be robot related, this is an assembly of some great episodes from the 4 season run of the show. "Roswell that ends Well", and "Anthology of Interest" are some of my favorite episodes.
You like the show, so why the two star rating you ask? Well there is very little new content for fans, such as myself, who have the 4 season boxsets. New to the disc is an animatic from "Hell is Other Robots" which runs about 5 minutes longer than the finished episode. There is also a brand new commentary track on the animatic. Rounding out the new extras is an intro to the series and mini-intros to each episode. Curiously the commentary tracks on all 4 episodes which were present on the season sets are not present on this compilation.
I suppose this collection is meant to attract the casual fan who wants to see some of the best the show had to offer, and it does a fairly good job at that, though a welcome inclusion would have been the Pilot episode to properly introduce people to the Futurama Universe. Another excellent bonus feature would have been to include the hillarious cinematics from the Futurama video game.
To summarize, if you already own the boxsets, there is not much reason to bother with this release, rent it if you want to give the commentary track a listen. If your new to the series, this is a pretty good litmus test to whether your style of humor gels with Futurama, though your money would probably be better spent toward the purchase of Vol. 1 of the series.
Great Episodes
D | LOS ANGELES, US, Canada | 07/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Set contains four of Futurama's top episodes: "Hell Is Other Robots" (featuring the Beastie Boys), "Anthology of Interest I" (featuring Al Gore, Nichelle Nichols, and Stephen Hawking), the Emmy-winning "Roswell That Ends Well", and the Emmy-nominated "The Sting".
Bonuses include an animatic (the early, rough pencil animation) of "Hell Is Other Robots" complete with new commentary track and scenes cut from the final version; a general intro to the disc by Matt Groening, cast (John Dimaggio - Bender, and Billy West - Fry/Zoidberg/Professor), and crew; as well as individual intros to each episode, and maybe an Easter Egg or two."
Word from the casual fan.
Norman | Escondido, CA | 01/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I must say that Futurama is a very interesting show; While comparing this show and Family Guy's fourth season (not the previous three seasons really), I can say that Futurama is much funnier and more bearable than FG's new season. So after seeing this DVD came out, I thought "What the hell. Kick in $10 and you won't have to buy the Volume sets."
Like the FG Freakin' Sweet Collection, Futurama's Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection is a compilation of four episodes (one episode per season) hand-picked by the creator himself. Here are my given thoughts on these episodes:
Hell is Other Robots is probably the funniest episode of the first season, where Bender, while trying to clean up his act, joins a robot religion group which irritates his friends at the Planet Express. Plenty of gags and music to keep you happy. 9/10
Anthology of Interest I is one of my all-time favorites; I always enjoy 10-minute sketches compiled into a half-hour episode like Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror and Family Guy's Viewer Mail. Fry, Leela, and Bender lend their wonders in a "what-if" machine; Bender wonders what if he was 500 feet tall (obvious to see him on the DVD cover art), Leela wonders what if she was a little more impulsive, and Fry wonders what if he never fell into the cryogenic freezer and never come into the future. 10/10
The Emmy-award winning Roswell that Ends Well follows Fry accidentally opening a time portal by a pot of popcorn while at a supernova explosion in a microwave and transporting the entire Planet Express Crew into Roswell, New Mexico in the year 1947, the time where Fry's grandfather was alive...well, at least Fry tries to keep him that way. Funny episode, well-written, period. 9/10
One thing I like about this show is that unlike Family Guy, which would just be a string of gags without any thick plotline, Futurama would concentrate on the characters' evolution and create such solid concepts. That's where The Sting comes in. Leela keeps thinking that Fry is alive and is communicating through her dreams after Fry is instantly killed by a giant bee. The bulk of this episode focuses on the Fry/Leela relationship; Clever and surreal, and while not as funny as the other episodes on this disc, it still has heart. 8/10
Now on to the extras: We get an overall disc intro, as well as individual intros per episode, by creator Matt Groening, developer David X. Cohen, a few producers, and voice actors Billy West and John Dimaggio. We also get a "lost" animatic of Hell is Other Robots with an optional commentary by the same people. This DVD doesn't offer much really, but these extras at least save this from being another bare-bones release. 6/10
Hardcore fans may appreciate the extras in the DVD, but the main focus is for newcomers for the shows, and of course, for casual fans. I still don't feel like buying the season sets yet, simply because the show is still rerunning on Adult Swim and TBS.
Overall score 7/10
Note to fans: The Futurama crew's called back to do four Direct-to-DVD movies so the show still has a future!"
Fututrama is brilliant
Reggie | St Louis | 07/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm buying this despite owning every season on DVD. Why? Because if FOX is looking to bring back the best animated show ever, then ten bucks is not much for me to part with to show my interest and support. Besides, even those who don't need it can give it as a gift."