A campy action flick
Ironman | Carmel, IN USA | 02/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In recent years the best place to find good action movies were not the theater as some might make you believe, but the direct to video market. It is there that action stars Jean Claude Van Damm and Steven Segal have remained and continued to develop their fan base. While this film features neither one of those, it is an example of a campy action film that is entertaining in just how cliched and bad it is.
The story here is that the nuclear holocaust has occured and a deadly virus has emerged (most likely caused by the nukes). Civilization (at least in America) has crumbled and gangs are slowly taking over. Mankind is doing what it can to survive, yet gathering up the gangs of the country is an evil dictator known as Lucifer. He kidnaps the scientist who is developing the cure and ruthlessly executes those who stands in his way. Three heros band together to stop this menace and bring peace to a damned world.
The story is cliched and the acting is non exsistant. So what makes this movie so appealing is that it kept me entertained the entire way through. Call it a cheap thrill but this is a campy, guilty pleasure flick that is a must see. As bad as it is I enjoyed it all the way through and it is mercifully only 90 minutes. This is an example of a DTV movie done right, while understanding it's target audience. Some may hate it, I personally enjoyed it."
David Scott Russ | The North Pole | 01/25/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Dig a hole in your yard. Throw 9.99 into the hole. Fill the hole back in. Go read a book. This is a far better way to spend your time and money. Better yet, give the 10 bucks to a homeless person. Then go read a book. Hell, read the back of the shampoo bottle for 94 minutes. Do not waste your time on this one. It makes anything by Ed Wood look like Citizen Kane. I gave it one star only because Amazon wont let me give it zero."
Best Movie
Ironman | 02/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Best Action Movie.Watch it because is worth it.Vincent Klyn who is acting as a Bad Guy wich is calling himself Lucifer and Sasha Mitchell the good guy are absolutely brilliant.The movie is about a cure from the plague wich is wanted from everybody,but Lucifer gets it.Sasha and his friends are going after Lucifer to gets the antidot from the plague.I was hopping that the movie will be ended with a fight between Sasha and Vincent,but it wasn't.Sasha is shut in the head at the middle of the movie from one of Vincent men and Vincent is injected with a deadly substance in the neck from a woman who was with Sasha.A great action movie.Watch it beacuse is worth it.