Classic Anime, co-existing with actual Anime. Beatiful.
Fernando Guerrero | Miami, FL USA | 09/19/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Getter Robo is one of Mazinger Z's (Tranzor Z on the US) brothers, one of the incredible Brainchildren of Go Nagai.
Using all the key elements needed in the 70's, Go Nagai created (yet again) one of the most copied styles of robot, the Combining Robot. Getter Robo bursted into the scene with incredible trasnformation (arms and legs sprouting from a tiny ship create a giant robot), Multiple pilots and an array of weapons that was etched into the minds of millions.
The success of the Original Getter Robo spawned Getter Robo G, and updated version of the Getter Machines, introducing a new pilot (after killing another one) and dashing new robots, once again, Nagai Sama did his job right, and we where all very, very impressed.
It has been over 25 years since Getter Robo G, and Go Nagai celebrates its birthday with the title in question Change Getter Robo, or Getter Robo Armaggedon, Keeping the original cast (including a resurrected Musashi) with pretty much their 70's look (thick eyebrows, big sideburns, and above all, thick drawing lines), with spiked up animation.
The quality of the art direction in this OVA is amazing, it starts to show once you realize that new characters look more like the ones in Evangelion (finer lines, big eyes).
Finally i must say this, story wise is a little confusing, as a hard core Anime fan I find this to be a great plus, but some people may find this to be weird, also dont be fooled into thinking that you need to have seen the original getters in order to enjoy this masterpiece ( it does help thou), the story takes a whole new arc and past events are explained in detail helping newcomers to enjoy it as much as any 70's fan.
Pick this one up, and you wont be dissapointed. It serves as a great insight into 70's animation, without the crummy video quality of VHS copies or ... translation. (the english track is pretty good, but it seem to be conflicting with the subtitles of the japanese track, weird)
Go Nagai Rules!, Check this out and find out why"
Part one of a 4 part new Getter Robo Saga
Outlaw Star DLH 5805 | Tampa, FL United States | 04/04/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This series is a updated and more mature animi then the 70's version. Sometime between the end of the second series 'Starvengers' and the beginning of this updated version the Getter team went back to using the original Getter Robo robots, also the Getter Dragon robot is mutated into a giant misshaped dragon. Part one introduces us to the main charaters and the villians of the story and how they invaded earth. The original Getter Robo robots 1 and 3 are seen being used as bodyguards in different parts of the story. Getter Robo 3 is introduced first escorting a convoy of top secret cargo. After a brief but intense battle with the new shape changing monsters on the block the Getter Robo 3 is destroyed. The story shows us what happened to the charaters during the 'missing years' and how they matured. With a new menace and one of the original Getter Robo pilots in jail for lilling the professor, the team is forced to reunite and fight the alien invaders helped by (at first) 2 earth men.... The story is fast-paced and not recommended for kids under the age of 11~14 due to all the violence and the carnage of the alien invaders when they kill something. Part one ends with a invisible to be continued feeling and clips of the next video and continuing saga of this 4 part series."
Getter Robo Vol. 1 in a word ......... Awesome !!!
The Creature Critic | Knoxville, MD USA | 07/28/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Let's start off by saying that I have never seen any of the old Getter series, however after seeing the beginning to this series I'd like to see how everything started even if from what some of the other reviews are saying that it's not as dark. If your looking for a Gundam style mech show that's more drama over mech action then look somewhere else. However if you like the perfect blend of story and crazy mech fighting,old school style, then by all means pick this series up (at least give it a rent).This series delivers a style all it's own. The best way to describe the first 4 episodes is comic book style meets major action flic meets sci-fi. This is not a comedic romp or a satire of a mech series, the series to this point has been very serious, dark and full of action. Although prior knowledge of the previous series is helpful it is not required. This series does have it's confusing moments but just take it in and eventually the plot will be placed together like a puzzle. Action wise this series is what any mech fan would die for (I think there was more action in the first 1 -2 episodes of this series than in 5 episodes of any Gundam series strung together) it's no holds bar and just plain crazy. It seems the director of this series has found the perfect blend to this point of combining the main elements of the story to move the series along and to also give us plenty of awesome fight scenes. Also the animation is first rate, a combination of old school character designs drawn for the next generation, which is handled flawlessly. The neat thing about the animation to this point is the fact that you get to see the old Getters fighting along with the new Getters, almost like watching a changing of the guards (ala Transformers: the Movie) which also lets old school fans see how there old Getters look for the next generation. Take it from me if your a fan of Giant Robo or just love Mech action (particularly old school mech action) do not wait go check this out you WILL LOVE THIS SERIES. IF the series can continue in progression the way it did through the first 4 episodes we could be looking at a true classic anime series. Hurry up ADV and get that next disc out."
Not your average Starvenger...
Jason W. Alexandre | Providence, RI United States | 07/21/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Getter Robo-Armageddon left my head spinning for several different reasons. I initially purchased this dvd because I had always loved the Starvengers segment of Force Five and was immediately drawn by the nostaligia factor. However, what I found was that there were only trace similarites between the old Force Five Five series and ADV's current release. The new Getter Robo series is extremely dark and disturbing and the story-line, at this point, is somewhat schizophrenic and difficult to follow. The action sequences are extremely intense, and if you are a mecha fan, it is really interesting to see the different generations of Getter mecha. The animation is not as sophisticated as Evangelion or Macross Plus, but it seems to work well. If you are looking for a simple anime with all questions answered, then Getter Robo is not for you. However, if you are willing to relinquish control and let the story unfold, then sit back, buckle-up, and enjoy the ride."